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Upgrading from Ps to


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I need your help to upgrade my current PS store from to

I have done a small test by using the 1-click-upgrade free module to try it out, but I faced few issues.

For example:

-The logos and favicon went back to their original appearance.

-All installed modules were disabled and I have to re-enable them again.

-Parts of my installed theme went back to its default setting instead of the adjusted setting I have set before...


For those reason, I went ahead and did a restore back to

My question is: The update itself isn't updating the core files instead of re-update everything? why does the update overwrite previous settings? and How can I install it without touching front end pages?

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If you are using the default theme included with PS v1.7.1.1 and you perform the upgrade using the autoupgrade module, you are going to receive the latest version of the default theme.  This is by design and yes it will revert your theme settings.

As for non-ps modules being disabled, that is an option in the auto upgrade module that you likely did not disable.  That too is by design

Don't want your front end pages changed during the upgrade?  Then you should not use the default theme


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Thanks for your input, I'm actually using a third party theme purchased from Themeforest, some settings were reverted back to their original setting for example, my theme comes with a blog module, I have disabled this feature, but when I made the update, the blog module came back as if I enabled it, not sure why? Also favicon and logo changed to the original one, so how can I prevent this to happen?

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14 hours ago, t.zak510 said:


Thanks for your input, I'm actually using a third party theme purchased from Themeforest, some settings were reverted back to their original setting for example, my theme comes with a blog module, I have disabled this feature, but when I made the update, the blog module came back as if I enabled it, not sure why? Also favicon and logo changed to the original one, so how can I prevent this to happen?

Yes, I want to know this too. Every time I have (for example) to change favicons / enable/disable modules in PS 1.7.x (we have this on multiple shops) after upgrading. It's just driving me insane.
Can't PrestaShop just please stop touching the things I have edited?
Even in PS 1.7 nothing was learned by their dev's from 1.6, and the upgrading process is still a mess.

And that's not the only thing:
Can't the devs just make a list of which module is activated beforehand, and deactivate them before upgrading, and afterwards enable them again automatically by using that list? Or what about auto-checking plugins for compatible versions beforehand and warning people?

Nowadays (it's almost 2018, hello!!) we still have to remember on every website what the fix should be when upgrading, or what is missing, when it went missing, which modules were activated, if they were compatible, which code was changed, with what code, how it was implemented (in which file), why new modules suddenly were (de-)activated, and what to do about it.
Like we have nothing more to do?

Look at all the translations for instance.... How many menu's there are, and how deep that tree is (why not just one menu containing them all, and could be searched through them all?).
It was much better in PrestaShop 1.6.
How can I find a single word I want to translate, or where is that "particular" text located in that big translation menu (it doesn't search in all translations of all themes at once?).
How to tell? Pressing F12 in Chrome does not tell me anything about where that word is located in the translation module (maybe use ID's?).

And how annoying is it when you changed something of the translations, and clicked "save" ("save and stay" works like crap most of the time), to land at the beginning of the Translation page, and you have to reselect everything to find the right translations at that specific location. I still better have one txt-file which I have to edit, including all the translations / positions of all the modules.
The translation process is too much work to re-do every time, even to find the right module, for that little bit of text, and especially for someone working in the cms or trying to sell goods on their shop!! 

And now you hopefully see what I mean?
PrestaShop was supposed to be user friendly. Where is the user friendliness in upgrading or translating PS?

Maybe PrestaShop will listen to the community (hopefully by the end of 2030) and one day give people clear manuals on how to write correct overwrites/translations without losing so much edits...? 
We as end-developing users are not much info given about that, but we do pay the bill for the modules or that good for nothing ZEN option, lol!
I say: time for some answers PrestaShop!

Edited by Shipsworld
Stuff changed (see edit history)
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