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Cannot acccess modules in backoffice

Rui Alves

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I have a Prestashop installation on a server. When I try to access the modules management in the backoffice, I get a page with the error status HTTP 500. The most strange of this is that when I enable debugging to see the error (with define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true)) the error 500 just does not happen, everything works as expected and the modules management open with no problem. If I disable debugging, the error happens again. I have the same installation running on my local PC and it works fine. Do you have any idea about this behaviour?

Thank you

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Hi Rui Alves 

Welcome to the forum.

That strange behavior is not uncommon in 1.7 :)  Because PrestaShop keeps 2 cache, one for dev (when debug is on) and prod when debbug is not enabled.

So try to rename app/cache prod folder or delete it. 

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