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Abandoned Cart PRO 1.7.26 BUG

ANGELO Vintage

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I'd found a big problem in latest version, but they not answer to any email

Module: https://addons.prestashop.com/it/remarketing-carrelli-abbandonati/16535-sollecito-di-carrelli-abbandonati.html

I wrote this email:


Version 1.7.26 and product description layout
For some reason the latest version have now changed completely the %CART_PRODUCTS% layout.
i grab a screen shot of the email: https://gyazo.com/0e93cd1954eb39a65b3e27ddf532d635
the version before (1.7.23)was completely different and more compact: https://gyazo.com/4ead4c18abc801c08f9075ab1fd9e668 
Because in backoffice is impossible to select witch details to put in the %CART_PRODUCTS% placeholder is impossible for us to make the layout compact.
The best layout could be also the image, the description and the price aligned TOP BUT with the description more compact or selecteble ON/OFF.
Also the price table column is too small and the price 1,200.00 € not fit the row.

Plus the price is not following out eshop price format!
In italy the price format must be: 1.200,00€ not 1,200.00€ 
You can see the chanel bag here: https://www.angelovintage.com/it/borse/467-borsa-chanel.html
and the old military shoes webpage here: https://www.angelovintage.com/it/scarpe-da-ginnastica/243-scarpe-militari.html
Please fix the price format and the %CART_PRODUCTS% layout!

If i don't receive any email I'm forced to change manually the code, but is a paying module/plugin and is strange that no one have noticed this problem and the support is so weak!.

Edited by ANGELO Vintage (see edit history)
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