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Cannot change the search settings in back office


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When I hit Save botton in search settings back office it forwards me to an error page.

For example I cannot change the indexing setting.

All the other parts and modules work without error and I have error in search settings.

My page:  vhcyklar.se

Screen Shot 2017-11-17 at 21.36.44.jpg

Screen Shot 2017-11-17 at 21.36.30.jpg

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5 hours ago, premiumpresta said:

From the message of the error it sounds that you don't have the right permissions on your server. Talk with your server administrator about this.

The permissions on your directories should be 755 or 775 and on your files 644 or 664.

Have a look into documentation about install where it talks about setting permissions.


Thank you for answer

I asked the host provider about problem. They fixed it by changing some security setting and the problem is gone.

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