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[SOLVED] How to change size of manufacturers images

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Hi wondered if someone could help me i have looked in manufacturer-list.tpl and change where it said medium.jpg to large.jpg but it medium.jpg is too small and large.jpg is too big :( so how can i change the size please :(

Thia is the code in manufacturer-list.tpl i found


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In the bo -> preference -> image, if there isn't a good size, you should create a new size of image.

add new

After create the new size you have to Regenerate thumbnails. Then in the manufacturer-list.tpl, you change medium.jpg by nameofnewimage.jpg
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i don't use it, but if i had to, i will change the display, like home feature (2 or 3 manufacturers in one line). and then make the images bigger.

basically you can change the display as you want, if you are not scary to modify somes codes.

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The line (2015) of /themes/yourtheme/css/global.css

ul#suppliers_list li, ul#manufacturers_list li {



These is the basic modification to do, there are others values to change or add ( height for exemple). The easiest way is to use the firebug extension (firefox chrome...) you can see in live the modification that you're doing, after you have to copy them to the global.css

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