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New Install - Nothing works


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After having some issues with a template i downloaded which basically seemed to destroy everything, i completely uninstalled Prestashop, emptied the folder on my site and then reinstalled it. I have installed with the demo data but i am now experiencing lots of problems...

The Product boxes & information shows but the images dont.

when i click on a product, i goes to a 404 page:

Not Found

The requested URL /tshirts/1-1-faded-short-sleeves-tshirt.html was not found on this server.

the same goes for Contact Us, About Us, Register, pretty much EVERY button goes to a 404 page

What can i do to get this working correctly again? Ive reinstalled it twice now..








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check with your hosting provider if there is some server side caching mechanism, like opcache or memcache or perhaps they have something else.  the server could have cached the old store files which no longer exist, and now it needs to be cleared.

you might also need to clear your browser cache, or try from a different browser or computer

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