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A lot of carts in a short time

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Good morning

For a couple of days, in my store I see that every 10-20 seconds a cart is made, which in three days have accumulated up to 8,000 abandoned carts. It is a fact that evidently does not coincide with the real traffic of the web. I have seen that they can be robots that track the web, but during every day and with so many carts I do not see it as normal.

Do you know what it could be?

Do I have to worry about this?

Thank you very much for your support and help

King regards


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from hosting logs you  should have access log. From access log you can determine which IP and bot's are hitting your shop.


if you  can determine the  IP's then you can use a hosting IP blocker, an .httaccess ip blocker solution or a 3rd party module that blocks IP.


check logs often.....they hold lots of secrets

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