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Different Product List view

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I am a programmer who has a store in Prestashop and I wonder if there is any way to get the list of products in a manner similar to http://www.alternate.de/html/categoryListing.html?navId=1564&tn=HARDWARE&l1=Prozessoren+(CPU)&l2=Desktop&l3=Sockel+775&, with internal divisions in the same product in the product list.

I wonder if there is any module, but will pay, you can structure the list of products as the link.

Thank you very much.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry to answer so late, I've been on holidays :)

My idea is to put the products (product-list) in a table of attributes, which can be sorted by each attribute, and that area code table cell attribute information appears for each product.

Something like what you have http://www.alternate.de/html/categoryListing.html?navId=1564&tn=HARDWARE&l1=Prozessoren+(CPU , as it divides the list in different cells and each puts information concerning the product .

See if you can help

Thank you very much.


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