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Hosting presta in USA but currency must be RAND

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I am hosting a clients prestashop (v. 1.6.1) website in USA...

BUT, the clients website will be marketed to South African customers primarily so the client wants the product prices to appear in the form of the south African RAND currency, NOT USD.

The prestashop's product prices in the database are USD. 

In admin>Localization, I have set the ISO code, Numeric Code, Symbol, and exchange rate to So Africa's: 14.75 rate....

BUT, on the customer front end the prices do NOT update to reflect RAND pricing and are STILL displaying as USD. Albeit, it does display the RAND symbol next to the price like this: R25.61

What am I missing here and what would be the best way to host a clients site in the USA, but have the default prices appear as South African RAND primary currency?


Admin settings as follows:

The default country in admin is set to "south Africa" in the admin settings. 


A) Import pack South Africa, states, taxes, currencies, languages, units all checked and imported. 

B ) Configuration:  Default Country: South Africa  Default currency set to: South African RAND

C ) Localization/Currencies: ISO code, Numeric Code, Symbol, and exchange rate to So Africa's: 14.75 rate....



Also, the products will be shipped from the USA, so how would shipping charges be set up if its marketed to south African customers YET the products will ship from US based carriers?

Thanks in advance for any insight into my challenge here! 


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I think you have several questions here, best one new topic for each question/issue.

For a USA default shop but to display rand use my free module:


for shipping you will need to determine which carriers will be used to ship.  from this you can determine how to apply shipping charges.  Learn more here.

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