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[Solved] Site Dead in one click! OOoOOooo!

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I am working since 2 weeks on my new project, and in a second, everything is down and brocken.
Please help me to find the way to fix it, my boss and my client will kill me (and i don't fill like to speed all my next nights to make it again from new!)

- Last version of prestashop (1.3)
- everything was working ok
- I was on the back office, and i clicked by mistake on "generation of htaccess" or something like that (I dont rememeber exactly where i clicked, it was on the parameters, i think)
- since that, it is white page on the shop, and on the back office..
- i checked the ftp files, and i changed the name of the .htaccess (to check if it is my problem) -> nothing change..
- no .htaccess on the admin part

To see it:

PS: sorry for my english, I m not a native english speaker

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Without answers, i decided to send the files on the host.

Usually, there is no problems with that, because all the data are on the database.

But surprise: everythink is from new!!??? all the database was on a file, and not on a database!

So I lost 1 week of work, and all the next nights to fix it.

I am very desapoited from Prestashop, and i think I will stop to use it to come back to OsCommerce.


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Dear Patric,

I use CMS since almost 10 years and it is the first time the data are not on the database. So I couldn't imagine Prestashop is working like that.

I saved the files on my computers before to change parameters, and i didn't change any files like I do usually (design). When I change files, I always save my work (once a day at least).

So tt is hard for me to imagine I should save again something I had already on my computer.
If the game is to find "a blame one", ok, i don't care, I can be this blame one. But because the way to organise the data is unusual, i lost 1 week of work and 1 week of sleed to make it again, and yon can not honestly say you dont anderstant I am desapoited.

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Hi first i must ask what do you mean by all data are in file and not in database ? Because if you check your database there are tables with ps_ prefix were are all data.

Now to your problem, did you turn frienly url on and then geterated .htaccess file ? Then if you deleted that file and left friendly url on then that is causing problems you have.

Also try to temporally to turn on debug
mode from config/config.inc.php
/* Debug only */
@ini_set('display_errors', 'on');
and if there is any error in back office post it here.

Another question did you move files from local server to live server and if you did have you also copied config folder ?

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The same topic here :

I answer in this topic anyway, the data are still in the data base, you don't have to modify them if you want to keep it. Go on your PhpMyAdmin, and save it.

After you will can import them in your new PrestaShop.

I remain at your disposal if you want more informations.

Best Regards

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Thanks all for your help.
In the end, i made all from new, and because I lost a part on my firt week of work by descovering and "clicking everywhere", I took me only few hours to make it like it was before.

In fact, I met few problems, and together ot seem to me like a mountain. Because I was just send the email to my boss and client, I was very underpression yesterday.

After this story, yes I will save my work everyday, even If I don't touche just the design and just the parameters.

Thank you all and have a nice day,


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Thanks all for your help.
In the end, i made all from new, and because I lost a part on my firt week of work by descovering and "clicking everywhere", I took me only few hours to make it like it was before.

In fact, I met few problems, and together ot seem to me like a mountain. Because I was just send the email to my boss and client, I was very underpression yesterday.

After this story, yes I will save my work everyday, even If I don't touche just the design and just the parameters.

Thank you all and have a nice day,


I have an "Automatic Prestashop Backup" module on my store, it lets you create a backup of the database, and the files.

You can keep the backup on the server, and/or have it sent to an email address.

You can find it at my shop (address in my signature).

It's a shame that many people don't realize how important backups are, until it's to late :(
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Hi guys,

just a little "Hi" to tell you I found my mistake:

- if yesterday i just erased the files, the files was not belong to the same project, and the config.php file was for an other datadase (a test one, on the same host)!

That's explain how I thought I erased all by simply changing the files!

Thanks you all for your help and have a nice day! :)


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