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Attribute Selection Query

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I have a few products that are identical except they come in either two flavours or come as either powder or tablets. I was thinking of making them as one product and making an attribute that the customer has to select.

Is there a way to force the customer to make a selection as I'm sure many will leave the default and then perhaps complain when they didn't get the flavour etc they wanted.


Please Select
Flavour 1
Flavour 2

With Please Select as the default and somehow set that it must be changed from Please Select to be accepted, if that makes sense?

Can this be done!


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Hi tomerg3

javascript would be fine. Just let me know how much you want for the work.



I wrote a "How To" for making those changes.

I wanted to place it here, but I couldn't highlight text inside a CODE tag.

I have added it to my site at http://www.presto-changeo.com/content/7-default-attribute-alert

You can see it working at http://www.presto-changeo.com/125/product.php?id_product=2

Feel free to donate what you see fit, there's a paypal donate button in my site.

Let me know if you have any trouble with it.
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