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Different forms and addresses for B2B and Retail


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Hello everybody

I have the following problem for a customer shop (PS, which I must / should solve.

The shop has 3 customer groups, two are B2B and the other private customers. First, it would be good if I had two registration forms, as companies and private individuals differ in registration details.

Companies do not need personal details at the billing address, but delivery addresses have to be more flexible. Individuals do not need company information in the invoice, but also more flexible delivery addresses.

For corporate clients, the management of billing and delivery addresses should also allow e.g. First name and last name are not mandatory. Company is required. With the private customers simply company is not obligatory and first name and surname only with delivery address not.

Of course, this should also be administrable from the admin area.

Does anyone of you have an idea? Is there a module I can use? Or do I need to do customizing?



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Hi tuk66

Thank you. I know that that some fields couldn't remove. I will have a look at your module. Maybe I find the way to do it. I must hide the unnecessary form fields in the delivery and invoice templates.

I will maybe contact you for an upgrade service.



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