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upgrade from 1.6 to 1.7 ps_lang field id_lang has changed

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I am preparing the upgrade of my site from 1.6 to 1.7 and I have some questions about the ps_lang table.

My first fresh installation of 1.7 was without specifying English as language. The result was that English was not in ps_lang table. This was not the case with 1.6 installation. So I proceed with a new installation in English. I added French Nederland and Deutch in the languages. The result was 1=en, 2=fr, 3=nl and 4=de.

This completely different in 1.6 where 1=en, 2=fr and 6=nl, de was not specified.

How can I continue the upgrade process with this difference when id_lang is in all core codes.




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Don't use PS 1.7. in production. This version is still in development and full of bugs. It is a transition version to symphony, a mix of smarty and symphony, till all is moved to symphony.

First language which was installed is the first package I installed. So German, which is default of the shop. So first language. Than I installed English, Portuguese and French. Which are EN = 2, PT = 3 and FR = 4

Last but not least: a fresh install has a complete other behavior, as an upgraded shop. For to upgrade there is no other possibility as to use the 1-click module OR to export all (raw) data (so without ID's) and import them to the fresh install. Another way to upgrade is not possible.

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Thanks for the reply, 

As I understand well the version 1.6 is with fixed id_lang en=1, fr=2 and nl=6 for example,  and modules and other package implementation use this fixed id to identify the language. In version 1.7 this is completely different and packages must use the iso code instead.

Anyway, I'll wait until a 1 click upgrade is provided


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There is already a 1-click-module available (version 3.0) you can download it from the addons for free. But be careful with it. Use it only on test shop and not on your site in production. Clone your shop first and before upgrade deinstall all non native modules and themes you are using in PS 1.6. upgrade with the module and develop on it. Modules and themes used in PS 1.6. will not work in PS 1.7. There is a complete new architecture in Prestashop 1.7. for several things.


Deinstall old 1-click-module, rename the module on FTP to another name. Upload the unzipped new module to folder /modules and use as same as old one.

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I already have copied my production site to local for test. I have installed a new version 1.7 and I have adapted not prestashop modules to the new version. The theme 1.6 will be abandonned for a new theme 1.7.

My concern now is to migrade the data, only the necessary tables to get it working. First I need the list of these tables and if the sql script insert can work with the existing fields from 1.6. 

Do you see a problem with my procedure ?


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You don't need to install PS 1.7. Simply clone your shop in production to another folder on server (or local on virtualbox linux stack, if you know how to configure a server).

Replace the  1-click-module, disable all non-native things on this cloned PS 1.6. and use the 1-click module for to upgrade your shop on test envoirnment.

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I prefer to start with a clean installation because the 1.6 version has many modifications and modules obsolete.

To refer to my first question about id_lang, how can I do a manual upgrade of the tables when the values of id_lang are diferent ?

This is a major issue because a lot of functions use id_lang to work.

Thanks for helping me at this point.



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2 minutes ago, polaije said:

I prefer to start with a clean installation because the 1.6 version has many modifications and modules obsolete.

Why does that need to prevent you from using 1-click module to upgrade?  The upgrade will replace any core files you changed with new updated ones.  Any modules that are no compatible with PS v1.6, you should remove or locate upgrades for.

Trying to migrate your data from 1.6 to 1.7 will just add more complexity than is needed, for what you are trying to accomplish.

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As written before: There is no possibility for manual upgrade. If you want a clean install, than you can export all your (raw) data and import it again. Raw means only texts, without any ID's. There are several free and paid modules you can use for to export and import. Take a look into the free module forum section, or to the paid addons.

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You can also try on your server. Add a new password protected folder with cPanel to your FTP and copy your shop there. Add a new database with cPanel and import the with phpMyAdmin exported database to the empty new database. And upgrade your shop in the new folder direct on your server.

Export/import database with phpMyAdmin:




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using a subfolder to create a test copy on your existing server is a very good option for a number of reasons

  1. It gives you an exact replica of your store, where you can perform testing, make changes etc...
  2. It gives you a store on the same exact hardware/software, which is perfect for testing the upgrade process.  You will know if the upgrade will fail or not before touching your actual production store

I do provide services to perform upgrades, however if this is something you are looking to do yourself, but just need some guidance or direction along the way, there are other services that could be offered

  1. I could create the test store on your server for you, dealing with the more technical aspects, allowing you to just focus on the upgrade
  2. If your server has limited resources, I could create you a sandbox on one of my servers.  This way you can experiment with the upgrade without having to worry about server resources or restrictions common to many shared hosting environments

Send me a PM or contact me on my website if these services interest you

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Thanks for proposition but I'll wait a more stable version of Prestashop. I have now both version available on localhost. I have modified modules to be compliant with version 1.7 and I'll buy a new theme. The upgrade can wait next year.


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Hello again,

I finaly create a sub-domain on my site server and I have launched the upgrade on a copy.

The upgrade has started and has finished the DB upgrade with success but now it continue running with "disabling the module". This step seems to loop endless. I can login in the admin but the front end give an error.500.

Do you think I can stop it and try to continue in admin to find out what is going on.


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The upgrade stop during the disabling of modules.

I got to enter the admin and I had to struggle with disabling the modules. If the mode debug is on it was impossible to continue but with debug off I succeed to have my site running with the minimum.

The languages were not correctly loaded, I had to reinstall it. 

There is still a lot to do to have it working correctly before I buy a new theme.

My concern is now, can I continue with this situation were the upgade stopped ?


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Thanks for your help.

I am installing the missing modules and some without problems but for the payments modules I have problems :

1) hipay is installed correctly but does not come out as payment option

2) idem for paypal

3) idem for virement

When I am in mode debug the order page refresh itself endless with no message and no payment options.

What can I do to solve this ?

I have check the payments hooks but I do'nt know is they are correct.



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I quit this automatic upgrade and I adopt a new manual process :

1) I install PS 1.7 on my remote server on a new sub domain

2) I install a new module to export products, customers, orders, etc...

3) Export first the products from upgraded site

4) Import products with Prestashop module in new site with some problems :

3000 products is too much for the export and I have to cut the csv file in several pièces, also I have to adapt the format of  some fields and the URL of images. But OK this has worked. One problem is for product attributes that were not exported. I have to list then and do a manual work to import it.

5) Export the categories (more than 200)

6) Import categories with Prestashop module, a nightmare ! :

First the new ps_categories table has 1 root category more than in 1.6 and the automatic upgrade has not taken this in account, the ID 1 is now root and ID 2 is Home. The problem is that I have a category 2 so I decide to do an import with a csv file adapted (+1 on each category and Id parent). I had to struggle with also ps_category_group and _shop and prpduct_category but in final I have my categories displayed on my admin page an in my products. 

I thought that this was ok but this was without the fact that I cannot add the category Home in product, all other categories changes works but to add Home as category the error come with change in product failed without other message despite the debug on on. I have on my local PC a version ps 1.7 with products but no categories imported and on this localhost site the home category can be added. I have controlled all the category tables to see the difference without success. I AM BLOCKED with this stupid error.

Now I am searching a way to intercept the error with sql Watch or somthing in sql classes, If anyone can me to debug this error, you are welcome.



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Some explanation about the error when adding Home category to product :

I got errors in javascript debug in Edge :

First when reading the product : HTTP404: RESSOURCE MANQUANTE. Le serveur n’a trouvé aucune correspondance pour l’URI demandé (Uniform Resource Identifier).

And updating : HTTP400: REQUÊTE INCORRECTE. Le serveur n’a pas pu traiter la demande, car la syntaxe n’est pas valide.

following with the exact url.


Any idea with this information ?


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