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add field to order details prestashop 1.7

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i'm trying to add a part of the value of the product_refernce in a new field of the order_detail database.

i create the new field in the database but i can't manage to add a value in the new field.

i modificated the OrderDetail.php file in the claases/order. but nothing happen. i tried to put only the 3 value on the field but nothing

-----------------here is a part of my overide

class OrderDetail extends OrderDetailCore {
//Nouveaux paramètres de classe
public $id_abo;
  protected function create(Order $order, Cart $cart, $product, $id_order_state, $id_order_invoice, $use_taxes = true, $id_warehouse = 0)

        if ($use_taxes) {
            $this->tax_calculator = new TaxCalculator();

        $this->id = null;
    $this->id_abo = '22'; // new field


thank you in advance


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  • 3 months later...

First to able to the Class control the field you need add it to the $definition not just like a public var


Second you can set the value before add the register on the database using the

public function add($autodate = true, $null_values = false){
$this->yourvar = 'anything';
return parent::add($autodate, $null_values);



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