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Add to Cart Button Problem


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Hi everybody!

I have two problems with "Add to cart" button:

1- It does not appear on safari page.

2- When I clik on the button (in Firefox o Google Chrome), it does not show the number immediatly on the top cart. Only when the page is refreshed.

This is the web page (only this product has price): https://boutique.carmenpeluqueros.com/es/categorias/6-31-vestido-verano-estampado.html


What happen with this button??


thanks in advance,

My prestashop version is :



Captura de pantalla 2017-10-31 a las 16.08.05.png

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I installed Prestashop one month ago, and I didn't try this button since this week.

My version is

I regenerated the httacces file, but nothing happens.

I don't have any caching module. I show you on this pictures my cache configuration.


Captura de pantalla 2017-11-01 a las 12.29.54.png

Captura de pantalla 2017-11-01 a las 12.30.02.png

Captura de pantalla 2017-11-01 a las 12.30.09.png

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I solved the problem with the click, now it show immediatly the product on the cart. I activated a module from another theme and it

works, I don't know why.

But the "add to cart" button is not visible in safari yet. :(

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