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Wrong class


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Thank you very much for your answer.
I know that there is the problem but I do not know what it is.

  {if isset ($ filter.properties.color)}
                               <span class = "color" style = "background-color: {$ filter.properties.color}"> </ span>
                               {elseif isset ($ filter.properties.texture)}
                                 <span class = "color texture" style = "background-image: url ({$ filter.properties.texture})"> </ span>
                               <span {if! $ js_enabled} class = "ps-shown-by-js" {/ if}> <i class = "material-icons checkbox-checked"> & # xE5CA; </ i>
                             {/ if}
                           </ span>
Edited by JOSSm (see edit history)
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I have the same problem while the attribute list is of type "select"

In the file \themes\classic\templates\catalog\_partials\facets.tpl on line 78:

($ filter.properties.texture) returns "img/co/1.jpg, img/co/2.jpg, etc ..." while there is no texture associated with the attribute !

Pretashop, theme classic

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