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SSL option random disabled


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Hello ppl,

Anyone know why SSL option get random disabled?

I don't know what I do but sometimes, i see that option get disabled without touching that option and the site goes automatically non SSL.

I enable it and everything goes to normal.

But why it happens?

And why is random.... :( 


Thank you,

Edited by eldermaster (see edit history)
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Hi eldermaster, we have not seen that issue and I did a bit of searching.  It's possible you are running either a PS cache module or your hosting is using a cache like varnish cache.  You could also be using maybe native PS cache, bottom of Performance page?

you are on a 'very' early release of PrestaShop 1.6 but I could not find similar report searching.

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Hello El Patron,

We don't have enabled the advanced cache system. We use only the CCC and Smarty.

But sometimes we clear the cache and we do a force TPL compile when we modify something in TPL files.

Can this be the reason of  the SSL problem?

SSL option 1/0 is not stored in database?


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2 hours ago, eldermaster said:

We found the reason ... 

A module responsible for some CRONS disabled SSL...........during execution .... Funny :) 
Configuration::updateGlobalValue('PS_SSL_ENABLED', 0);

Thread can be closed.


what was module incase another community member has same issue?

Super happy you found the issue!  El

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