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[1.7.2.x] NGINX and product combinations/features/attributes [SOLUTION]


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Hi, I run prestashop (now on nginx and suffered the fact that I could not select any attributes in the product details page in the admin section. I could also not generate any product combinations. Clicking "generate" I got a green popup sayin "Saved" (or similar) but no variants would appear. I solved this!


My nginx configuration was based on this one: https://github.com/MattLoyeD/Prestashop-Nginx (thanks!)

However, features and attributes make calls to /adminXXX/index.php/feature/... and /adminXXX/index.php/attribute/... URLS


This seems to be new and not reflected yet in that nginx file: I fixed it by changing the list of symfony controllers:

# Symfony controllers
- location ~ /(international|_profiler|module|product|combination|specific-price)/(.*)$ {
+ location ~ /(international|_profiler|module|product|feature|attribute|supplier|combination|specific-price)/(.*)$ {

I proposed this and other minor tweaks as a pull request to the maintainer and hope that he will pull it in and make it accessible for everyone.

Edited by spaetz (see edit history)
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