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getUniqReference () on footer.tpl


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I'm starting to customize the classic theme. I would like to add the email that had the custom object with the getUniqReference () someone help me figure out how to put it in the line below of pdf / footer.tpl in the location (enter here)

Email: <a href="mailto:[email protected]?subject=E%2ESHOP%20Raptus%26Rose%20(enter here)">[email protected]</a> - {l s='Tel: %s' sprintf=[$shop_phone|escape:'html':'UTF-8'] d='Shop.Pdf' pdf='true'}

thank you

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I would like to have the mail client open from pdf with one click on the email in the footer and so far there are. The object would like to fill it up automatically with a text "E% 2ESHOP% 20Raptus% 26Rose% 20" followed by the order id so the coustomerservice knew what it was referring to.

To do this I need the function that loads the value and perhaps the syntax to integrate the value in the command href = "mailto:

I'm just at the beginning and I have no idea how it is organized. I just noticed that on pdf / invoice.summary-tab.tpl {$ order-> getUniqReference ()} works on pdf / footer.tpl it remains blank

If you explain me define the function to have the {$ order-> getUniqReference ()} anceh on pdf / footer.tpl i would appreciate you

thank you corrado

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