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Paypal Delivery Address vs Invoice Address?

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Hi everyone,


The default Paypal module from prestashop seems to prefer to use the invoice address rather than the delivery address. I've always sort of ignored this until last week when a customer called and was upset that he had wasted 10 minutes trying to figure out why Paypal was taking his invoice address as the delivery address. Is there a way to fix this? Is there a way to import the Delivery address to paypal rather than the invoice address or is this something that cannot change? Is there a reason why the Paypal module prefers the invoice address over the delivery address when choosing two different addresses?


Any help would be great.



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We never even look at addresses on PayPal - for us it is what is in prestashop that matters. That is where we print delivery notes and invoices etc


Perhaps just add a simple note on the checkout page advising customers that the store only looks at the info they have entered in Prestashop

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That could work and that's what we've been doing I was just worried about the Paypal Seller Protection part. I mean, we aren't technically shipping it to the address that is listed on paypal so there would be no seller protection. Anyone have any experience with that?

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