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[bug] Pattern Modifiers problems in php versions > 5.5 to 7

tamu secreto

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Pattern Modifiers

The current possible PCRE modifiers are listed below. The names in parentheses refer to internal PCRE names for these modifiers. Spaces and newlines are ignored in modifiers, other characters cause error.









This feature was DEPRECATED in PHP 5.5.0, and REMOVED as of PHP 7.0.0.





Whoops, looks like something went wrong.
DriverException in AbstractMySQLDriver.php line 115:
An exception occurred while executing 'SELECT p0_.id_translation AS id_translation_0, p0_.`key` AS
key_1, p0_.translation AS translation_2, p0_.domain AS domain_3, p0_.theme AS theme_4, p0_.id_lang
AS id_lang_5 FROM ps_translation p0_ WHERE p0_.id_lang = ? AND p0_.theme IS NULL AND
(p0_.domain REGEXP ?) = 1' with params [1, "ModulesFacetedsearchShop"]:
SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1139 Got error 'this version of PCRE is not compiled
with Unicode property suppo' from regexp
1. in AbstractMySQLDriver.php line 115
2. at AbstractMySQLDriver->convertException('An exception occurred while executing 'SELECT p0_.id_translation AS id_translation_0, p0_.`key` AS key_1,
p0_.translation AS translation_2, p0_.domain AS domain_3, p0_.theme AS theme_4, p0_.id_lang AS id_lang_5 FROM ps_translation p0_ WHERE p0_.id_lang = ?
AND p0_.theme IS NULL AND (p0_.domain REGEXP ?) = 1' with params [1, "ModulesFacetedsearchShop"]: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation:
1139 Got error 'this version of PCRE is not compiled with Unicode property suppo' from regexp', object(PDOException)) in DBALException.php line 128
3. at DBALException::driverExceptionDuringQuery(object(Driver), object(PDOException), 'SELECT p0_.id_translation AS id_translation_0, p0_.`key` AS key_1,
p0_.translation AS translation_2, p0_.domain AS domain_3, p0_.theme AS theme_4, p0_.id_lang AS id_lang_5 FROM ps_translation p0_ WHERE p0_.id_lang = ?
AND p0_.theme IS NULL AND (p0_.domain REGEXP ?) = 1', array('1', 'ModulesFacetedsearchShop')) in Connection.php line 855
4. at Connection->executeQuery('SELECT p0_.id_translation AS id_translation_0, p0_.`key` AS key_1, p0_.translation AS translation_2, p0_.domain AS domain_3,
p0_.theme AS theme_4, p0_.id_lang AS id_lang_5 FROM ps_translation p0_ WHERE p0_.id_lang = ? AND p0_.theme IS NULL AND (p0_.domain REGEXP ?) = 1',
array('1', 'ModulesFacetedsearchShop'), array('integer', '2'), null) in SingleSelectExecutor.php line 50
5. at SingleSelectExecutor->execute(object(Connection), array('1', 'ModulesFacetedsearchShop'), array('integer', '2')) in Query.php line 321
6. at Query->_doExecute() in AbstractQuery.php line 969
7. at AbstractQuery->executeIgnoreQueryCache(null, '1') in AbstractQuery.php line 924
8. at AbstractQuery->execute(null, '1') in AbstractQuery.php line 727
9. at AbstractQuery->getResult() in DatabaseTranslationLoader.php line 83
10. at DatabaseTranslationLoader->load('ModulesFacetedsearchShop.en-US.db', 'en-US', 'ModulesFacetedsearchShop') in Translator.php line 416
11. at Translator->doLoadCatalogue('en-US') in Translator.php line 306
12. at Translator->initializeCatalogue('en-US') in Translator.php line 113
13. at Translator->initializeCatalogue('en-US') in Translator.php line 349
14. at Translator->dumpCatalogue('en-US', object(ResourceCheckerConfigCache)) in Translator.php line 329
15. at Translator->Symfony\Component\Translation\{closure}(object(ResourceCheckerConfigCache))
16. at call_user_func(object(Closure), object(ResourceCheckerConfigCache)) in ResourceCheckerConfigCacheFactory.php line 46
17. at ResourceCheckerConfigCacheFactory->cache('/opt/lampp/htdocs/1721/app/cache/dev/translations/catalogue.en-
US.3fea97234267aa02290eee8ee5357fb280cfa275.php', object(Closure)) in Translator.php line 330
18. at Translator->initializeCacheCatalogue('en-US') in Translator.php line 294
19. at Translator->loadCatalogue('en-US') in Translator.php line 248
20. at Translator->getCatalogue('en-US') in Translator.php line 209
21. at Translator->trans('You do not have permission to add this.', array(), 'AdminNotificationsError', null) in PrestaShopTranslatorTrait.php line 49
22. at Translator->trans('You do not have permission to add this.', array(), 'AdminNotificationsError', null) in LoggingTranslator.php line 50
23. at LoggingTranslator->trans('You do not have permission to add this.', array(), 'AdminNotificationsError', null) in DataCollectorTranslator.php line 50
24. at DataCollectorTranslator->trans('You do not have permission to add this.', array(), 'AdminNotificationsError', null) in PrestaShopTranslatorTrait.php line 49
25. at DataCollectorTranslator->trans('You do not have permission to add this.', array(), 'AdminNotificationsError') in ModuleController.php line 75
26. at ModuleController->catalogAction()
27. at call_user_func_array(array(object(ModuleController), 'catalogAction'), array()) in bootstrap.php.cache line 3247
28. at HttpKernel->handleRaw(object(Request), '1') in bootstrap.php.cache line 3206
29. at HttpKernel->handle(object(Request), '1', false) in bootstrap.php.cache line 3360
30. at ContainerAwareHttpKernel->handle(object(Request), '1', false) in bootstrap.php.cache line 2562
31. at Kernel->handle(object(Request), '1', false) in index.php line 86

The Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE) library is a set of functions that implement regular expression pattern matching using the same syntax and semantics as Perl 5.This library allow using regular expression in mysql queries.


If you are receiving error saying that  this version of PCRE is compiled without UTF support at offset 0


this means that your pcre library used in you version does not support UTF 8??


or where is the problem??



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