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Ajout d'un champ image sur Manufactured


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J'ai tenté d'ajouter une image sur l'admin afin de pouvoir uploader une 2ème image depuis le BackOffice.


J'ai Overridé le controller AdminManufacturersController.php comme ceci, en appelant "drapeau" le nouveau champ  :


class AdminManufacturersControllerCore extends AdminController
    public $bootstrap = true ;
    /** @var array countries list */
    protected $countries_array = array();

    public function __construct()
        $this->table = 'manufacturer';
        $this->className = 'Manufacturer';
        $this->lang = false;
        $this->deleted = false;
        $this->allow_export = true;
        $this->list_id = 'manufacturer';
        $this->identifier = 'id_manufacturer';
        $this->_defaultOrderBy = 'name';
        $this->_defaultOrderWay = 'ASC';

        $this->bulk_actions = array(
            'delete' => array(
                'text' => $this->l('Delete selected'),
                'icon' => 'icon-trash',
                'confirm' => $this->l('Delete selected items?')

        $this->context = Context::getContext();

        $this->fieldImageSettings = array(
            'name' => 'logo',
            'dir' => 'm'

        $this->fieldImageSettings_v2 = array(
            'name' => 'drapeau',
            'dir' => 'd'

        $this->fields_list = array(
            'id_manufacturer' => array(
                'title' => $this->l('ID'),
                'align' => 'center',
                'class' => 'fixed-width-xs'
            'logo' => array(
                'title' => $this->l('Logo'),
                'image' => 'm',
                'orderby' => false,
                'search' => false,
                'align' => 'center',
            'drapeau' => array(
                'title' => $this->l('drapeau'),
                'image' => 'd',
                'orderby' => false,
                'search' => false,
                'align' => 'center',
            'name' => array(
                'title' => $this->l('Name'),
                'width' => 'auto'
            'addresses' => array(
                'title' => $this->l('Addresses'),
                'search' => false,
                'align' => 'center'
            'products' => array(
                'title' => $this->l('Products'),
                'search' => false,
                'align' => 'center',
            'active' => array(
                'title' => $this->l('Enabled'),
                'active' => 'status',
                'type' => 'bool',
                'align' => 'center',
                'class' => 'fixed-width-xs',
                'orderby' => false


    public function renderForm()
        if (!($manufacturer = $this->loadObject(true))) {

        $image = _PS_MANU_IMG_DIR_.$manufacturer->id.'.jpg';
        $image_url = ImageManager::thumbnail($image, $this->table.'_'.(int)$manufacturer->id.'.'.$this->imageType, 350,
            $this->imageType, true, true);
        $image_size = file_exists($image) ? filesize($image) / 1000 : false;

        $image_v2 = _PS_MANU_IMG_DIR_.$manufacturer->id.'_v2.jpg';
        $image_url_v2 = ImageManager::thumbnail($image_v2, $this->table.'_'.(int)$manufacturer->id.'.'.$this->imageType, 350,
            $this->imageType, true, true);
        $image_size_v2 = file_exists($image_v2) ? filesize($image_v2) / 1000 : false;

        $this->fields_form = array(
            'tinymce' => true,
            'legend' => array(
                'title' => $this->l('Manufacturers'),
                'icon' => 'icon-certificate'
            'input' => array(
                    'type' => 'text',
                    'label' => $this->l('Name'),
                    'name' => 'name',
                    'col' => 4,
                    'required' => true,
                    'hint' => $this->l('Invalid characters:').' <>;=#{}'
                    'type' => 'textarea',
                    'label' => $this->l('Short description'),
                    'name' => 'short_description',
                    'lang' => true,
                    'cols' => 60,
                    'rows' => 10,
                    'autoload_rte' => 'rte', //Enable TinyMCE editor for short description
                    'col' => 6,
                    'hint' => $this->l('Invalid characters:').' <>;=#{}'
                    'type' => 'textarea',
                    'label' => $this->l('Description'),
                    'name' => 'description',
                    'lang' => true,
                    'cols' => 60,
                    'rows' => 10,
                    'col' => 6,
                    'autoload_rte' => 'rte', //Enable TinyMCE editor for description
                    'hint' => $this->l('Invalid characters:').' <>;=#{}'
                    'type' => 'file',
                    'label' => $this->l('Logo'),
                    'name' => 'logo',
                    'image' => $image_url ? $image_url : false,
                    'size' => $image_size,
                    'display_image' => true,
                    'col' => 6,
                    'hint' => $this->l('Upload a manufacturer logo from your computer.')
                    'type' => 'file',
                    'label' => $this->l('Drapeau'),
                    'name' => 'drapeau',
                    'image' => $image_url_v2 ? $image_url_v2 : false,
                    'size' => $image_size_v2,
                    'display_image' => true,
                    'col' => 6,
                    'hint' => $this->l('Upload a manufacturer drapeau from your computer.')
                    'type' => 'text',
                    'label' => $this->l('Meta title'),
                    'name' => 'meta_title',
                    'lang' => true,
                    'col' => 4,
                    'hint' => $this->l('Forbidden characters:').' <>;=#{}'
                    'type' => 'text',
                    'label' => $this->l('Meta description'),
                    'name' => 'meta_description',
                    'lang' => true,
                    'col' => 6,
                    'hint' => $this->l('Forbidden characters:').' <>;=#{}'
                    'type' => 'tags',
                    'label' => $this->l('Meta keywords'),
                    'name' => 'meta_keywords',
                    'lang' => true,
                    'col' => 6,
                    'hint' => array(
                        $this->l('Forbidden characters:').' <>;=#{}',
                        $this->l('To add "tags," click inside the field, write something, and then press "Enter."')
                    'type' => 'switch',
                    'label' => $this->l('Enable'),
                    'name' => 'active',
                    'required' => false,
                    'class' => 't',
                    'is_bool' => true,
                    'values' => array(
                            'id' => 'active_on',
                            'value' => 1,
                            'label' => $this->l('Enabled')
                            'id' => 'active_off',
                            'value' => 0,
                            'label' => $this->l('Disabled')

        if (!($manufacturer = $this->loadObject(true))) {

        if (Shop::isFeatureActive()) {
            $this->fields_form['input'][] = array(
                'type' => 'shop',
                'label' => $this->l('Shop association'),
                'name' => 'checkBoxShopAsso',

        $this->fields_form['submit'] = array(
            'title' => $this->l('Save')

        foreach ($this->_languages as $language) {
            $this->fields_value['short_description_'.$language['id_lang']] = htmlentities(stripslashes($this->getFieldValue(
            )), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');

            $this->fields_value['description_'.$language['id_lang']] = htmlentities(stripslashes($this->getFieldValue(
            )), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');

        return parent::renderForm();

    protected function afterImageUpload()
        $res = true;
        $generate_hight_dpi_images = (bool)Configuration::get('PS_HIGHT_DPI');

        /* Generate image with differents size */
        if (($id_manufacturer = (int)Tools::getValue('id_manufacturer')) &&
            isset($_FILES) &&
            count($_FILES) &&
            file_exists(_PS_MANU_IMG_DIR_.$id_manufacturer.'.jpg')) {
            $images_types = ImageType::getImagesTypes('manufacturers');
            foreach ($images_types as $k => $image_type) {
                $res &= ImageManager::resize(

                if ($generate_hight_dpi_images) {
                    $res &= ImageManager::resize(

            $current_logo_file = _PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_.'manufacturer_mini_'.$id_manufacturer.'_'.$this->context->shop->id.'.jpg';

            if ($res && file_exists($current_logo_file)) {

        /* Generate image with differents size */
        if (($id_manufacturer = (int)Tools::getValue('id_manufacturer')) &&
            isset($_FILES) &&
            count($_FILES) &&
            file_exists(_PS_MANU_IMG_DIR_.$id_manufacturer.'_v2.jpg')) {
            $images_types = ImageType::getImagesTypes('manufacturers');
            foreach ($images_types as $k => $image_type) {
                $res &= ImageManager::resize(

                if ($generate_hight_dpi_images) {
                    $res &= ImageManager::resize(

            $current_logo_file_v2 = _PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_.'manufacturer_mini_'.$id_manufacturer.'_'.$this->context->shop->id.'_v2.jpg';

            if ($res && file_exists($current_logo_file_v2)) {

        if (!$res) {
            $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Unable to resize one or more of your pictures.');

        return $res;

Le champ apparait bien en admin, je sélectionne une image mais elle n'est pas enregistrée. Pouvez vous me dépanner ?


D'avance merci

Edited by taka10 (see edit history)
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A priori d'après mes recherches, ça ne se gère pas au niveau de la base de données. Je suis plutôt étonné que personne n'ai eu à affronter ce genre de problème.


J'ai déjà fait la même chose pour les catégories mais là c'est différent.

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