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[Modul] Popup News

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Modul untuk menampilkan pengumuman (berupa popup) ketika website di load (hanya valid di halaman depan/index).

Catatan : Buat ngerubah style tinggal edit splash.css

Tested on Firefox, IE8, Opera, Chrome.


when i install it ,on my homecontent,it appear"index" text,see picture.why?


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Modul untuk menampilkan pengumuman (berupa popup) ketika website di load (hanya valid di halaman depan/index).

Catatan : Buat ngerubah style tinggal edit splash.css

Tested on Firefox, IE8, Opera, Chrome.


when i install it ,on my homecontent,it appear"index" text,see picture.why?

my bad, that was for debugging purposes i forgot to remove. to fix it, just open the popupnews.tpl and remove line with {$page_name} in it.
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cobain dulu mas pipie .. biar kl ada yg kurang bisa dibenerin ..

versi 2 aku tambahin beritanya bisa HTML deh ...

And,how can i change the time from 10 second to 20 second?

ill update the code later but at the moment you can open the popupnews.tpl and replace {/literal}{$interval}{literal} with 20
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cobain dulu mas pipie .. biar kl ada yg kurang bisa dibenerin ..

versi 2 aku tambahin beritanya bisa HTML deh ...

And,how can i change the time from 10 second to 20 second?

ill update the code later but at the moment you can open the popupnews.tpl and replace {/literal}{$interval}{literal} with 20


other question: the module is appear at homepage.how can i set it appear at any pages?
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cobain dulu mas pipie .. biar kl ada yg kurang bisa dibenerin ..

versi 2 aku tambahin beritanya bisa HTML deh ...

And,how can i change the time from 10 second to 20 second?

ill update the code later but at the moment you can open the popupnews.tpl and replace {/literal}{$interval}{literal} with 20


other question: the module is appear at homepage.how can i set it appear at any pages?

ill add that feature very soon, but at the moment you can edit popupnews.php, in hookFooter function, find and delete code below:
if ($page_name=='index')
so that it will appear at any page.
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  • 5 weeks later...
Nice! :-)

Could be better using differents languages and why not TinyMCE editor in BO !

like this module (using TinyMCE editor in BO) http://www.prestashop.com/forums/viewthread/16528

or this module (several languages are possible)

Updated in v1.1. Thanks for your clue jolvil !

The modules can be downloaded here ... http://prestanesia.com/blog/popup-news-module/
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Salam kenal..

saya ada modifikasi sedikit modul ini. Modul yang saya modif ini digunakan untuk pesan singkat bagi pengunjung web.
dibedakan antara member dan bukan member..

terimakasih untuk TS yang telah mengawali membuat modul popupnews.. biar gak bingung saya ubah namanya jadi popuplog.. hehehe

silakan lihat disini : http://www.prestashop.com/forums/viewthread/68446/pengembangan_dan_modul/modul_popuplog_modifikasi_dari_modul_popup_news

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  • 8 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...


Thats great module, thanks for sharing! I was wondering is it possible to get the same effect as for clicking "Dont show this window again" with cookies set e.g. 1 day for clicking "close" and after popup dissapears.

What I would like to achieve is to show the popup once per session, even if the customer doesn't click "Dont show this window again"


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