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1 product 3 items


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I need to sell 1 product (bath salts) but this products needs to have 3 items of different scents from a list of available scents.
For example;
The user selects the product 'Mixed Bath Salts' and can then select 3 different scent samples (from a list of 5 available scents).

They only way I can think I might be able to do this is by creating the 5 different 'scent sample' products and then creating a single 'combination' product and use the 'scent samples' as the items for the combination.

If that is the case, I might have 5 or more 'scent samples' so how do I limit the customer so they can only choose 3?
How can I prevent 'scent samples' being bought individually when they need to only be available as part of the 'Mixed Bath Salts' product?

Edited by OneAlpha (see edit history)
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