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Cannot view order after payment accepted - redirects loop


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This is a bug I've encountered on shop I'm working with.



PHP 7.0 and 5.6 - on both the same.


The problem occurs in backend when trying to view order  with Payment accepted status.

Even when status has been changed to any other, there is ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS loop.


Have no idea what could be causing this error.

Help very appreciated.



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Some more information could be helpful - such as:


- Since when does this error occur?

- Has it ever worked?

- Is it related to a single payment method?

- if yes: which payment method

- Which non-default modules have you installed related to payment or order processing?

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It is not related to any specific payment method. It is the same on Bank Transfer and Paypal.

Error also occurs when status is changed to Remote payment accepted.


Modules enabled for Payments and Gateways are: BankWire an Paypal - both by Prestashop

Any non-default modules related to payments and order processing are now disabled.


And now the solution occurs:
I've disabled :
- Packlink PRO Shipping v1.6.4 - by 202-ecommerce

- SendCloud | Europe's Number 1 Shipping Tool v1.1.2 - by SendCloud Global B.V.

and it works now - only for new orders (old ones are still broken), but for me the problem is solved.


Thank you Scully for showing me the right direction! :)

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