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Add keywords


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What do you mean by keywords? Do you want to add meta-keywords to the page for search engines or do you want a tag cloud on your site with keywords that the customer can click?

To add meta-keywords to your site, go to Preferences > Meta-tags, or enter them on the category, manufacturer, supplier and product editors. For the product editor, you need to expand "Click here to improve product's rank in search engines (SEO)" to reveal the meta-keywords.

To add a tag cloud to your site, enter yours keywords in the "Tags" field at the bottom of the product editor, then go to Modules > Tags block v1.0 (in the Blocks section) > Install. A tag cloud should then appear on your site.

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  • 1 month later...
No, I'm not aware of any modules that do that. It may be a good idea, but such a module could be misused to add wrong tags to products.

Yes I know, therefore it must be created in the same way like product comments and rating - not without log-in, to avoid spam, and also customer tags were only displayed after approve from webmaster.
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The comment module in PrestaShop is lacking many features. The one I'm writing will let you write comments without being logged in, send email notifications of new comments, display ratings on the comments, set a default criterion for products, allow you to add "Is this review helpful? Yes No" to comments and possibly add captcha too.

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ah ok, so comment modul extended. Another idea I have for you: for ust it would be also of interest to extend web 2.0 (3.0) for ex. on uploading own product-images (flash), so you offer the possiblity to customers to send her own photo using/wearing our products. All this also not without approve from the webadmin before it goes online. Pictures and flash must be done also by a secure(legal issues) way for the site owner (integrating a copyright clause before upload), so customer must have an account and also tick that he is owner of the picture/flash and pass us the right to display it on our site.

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is there a way I can add keywords to each page? Something like a module?

Yes there is, if you want to don't do that BO in products or category pages manually.

Take a look on this modul. It creates automatically all metas in title, and keywords taking into account the context of your product or category description.
I'm still using it and it is seo in perfection for your page, without any extra work: http://www.prestastore.com/seo/1020-seo-master.html
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You can already add keywords to products on the "1. Info." tab of the product editor. Just click the "Click here to improve product's rank in search engines (SEO)" link to reveal the "Meta keywords" field. Or are you asking for a way to more easily edit the meta-keywords on all the products?

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  • 4 weeks later...
The comment module in PrestaShop is lacking many features. The one I'm writing will let you write comments without being logged in, send email notifications of new comments, display ratings on the comments, set a default criterion for products, allow you to add "Is this review helpful? Yes No" to comments and possibly add captcha too.

Hi Rocky,

any news ? I'm want to have the new tag and comments module...


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  • 1 month later...


italy ....realizzazione siti web, creazione siti internet, prezzi siti, restyling web, ottimizzazione seo, webfoto, logo, html, css, cms, flash

english.....website creation, website prices, website redesign, SEO, web photo, logo, html, css, cms, flash

I'm interested more in Italy

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