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Need advice upgrading from to

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I developed my first Prestashop site with version I purchased and installed a theme and a couple of add-ons, and spent quite some time customizing hooks, modules and CSS.


I was trying to update to but this raised a couple of issues/questions:


Before the upgrade, 1-click upgrade indicates that 32 modified files have been detected, including 22 core files. My question is: can we still upgrade if core files have been modified? Maybe the theme did this, maybe the add-ons, I'm not sure.


I still went ahead with the upgrade on a test server, and it doesn't look so bad, except that I lost a couple of customizations on various pages and some homepage modules disappeared.


So I'm starting to wonder whether it's possible to seamlessly update Prestashop without breaking the site every time. Am I missing something?


Thank you very much in advance for your help and support!



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Installing themes/modules would not change core files.  Can you provide a list of these 32 modified files so we can understand better what they are.


You will lose customizations to the core files and modules when you upgrade, there is no way around that.  As for your theme changes, you might also lose those changes, depending on the options you configured in the module, which you didn't specify.

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Thank you so much for your reply! And thanks for confirming that installing themes and modules would not change core files, this is reassuring.


This is the list of core files that are considered modified:


  • img/favicon.ico
  • modules/ps_banner/config.xml
  • modules/ps_banner/ps_banner.php
  • modules/ps_imageslider/config.xml
  • modules/ps_imageslider/ps_imageslider.php
  • modules/ps_linklist/config.xml
  • modules/ps_linklist/views/templates/admin/linkwidget/helpers/form/form.tpl
  • modules/ps_linklist/ps_linklist.php
  • modules/welcome/config.xml
  • modules/welcome/OnBoarding/OnBoarding.php
  • modules/welcome/js/src/OnBoarding.js
  • modules/welcome/public/module.css
  • modules/welcome/public/module.js
  • modules/welcome/scss/_navbar.scss
  • modules/welcome/scss/_popup.scss
  • modules/welcome/scss/_tooltip.scss
  • modules/welcome/views/content.tpl
  • modules/welcome/views/contents/end.tpl
  • modules/welcome/webpack.config.js
  • modules/welcome/welcome.php
  • robots.txt


Plus an additional 10 for e-mails:


  • mails/en/in_transit.html
  • mails/en/in_transit.txt
  • mails/en/order_customer_comment.html
  • mails/en/order_customer_comment.txt
  • modules/ps_emailsubscription/mails/en/newsletter_conf.html
  • modules/ps_emailsubscription/mails/en/newsletter_conf.txt
  • modules/ps_emailsubscription/mails/en/newsletter_verif.html
  • modules/ps_emailsubscription/mails/en/newsletter_verif.txt
  • modules/ps_emailsubscription/mails/en/newsletter_voucher.html
  • modules/ps_emailsubscription/mails/en/newsletter_voucher.txt


Would it be correct to assume that these files (except favicon.ico) are considered modified because these particular modules were updated after the release of


This morning I didn't realize that I had a couple of modules that needed an upgrade, including 1-click upgrade. Shame on me... I updated everything and tried another upgrade to This time it ended without errors.


The remaining issues are more or less cosmetic: on the homepage I used to have a blog module that displayed the latest articles, and this is gone. I disabled a couple of blocks like Featured categories, or Brands, and they are back. In the contact info at the bottom of the homepage I only had Facebook and Youtube, and now Twitter, Vimeo, RSS and Instagram are back. So it's like a couple of theme options got reset to default.


The theme is ZOneTheme by the way, the blog is Prestablog.


It is not an huge amount of work to set it all back to how it was, but it would be nice if I could carry over my previous configuration and have an identical website after the upgrade. Would you have any advice?


Again, thanks a lot!!

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Well that is what we need to confirm, the upgrade module shows you 2 things

1) The core files that have been modified since this version was installed

2) The core files that will be changed as a part of this upgrade.


So the list you provided above, was it from #1 or #2?  If #1, then yes I assume these files were changed since installing that version.  However I won't speculate at what updated them.


It is not an huge amount of work to set it all back to how it was, but it would be nice if I could carry over my previous configuration and have an identical website after the upgrade. Would you have any advice?


Well that partly depends on the settings you used in the module.  Especially as it relates to the theme.  Did you tell the upgrade module to allow updates to your theme and email templates?  Also, did you allow the module to disable non-ps modules during the upgrade?  If so, then of course your modules will be disabled

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Thank you so much for your replies.


The list I provided was from #1,  the core files that have been modified since this version was installed. I assume that this is because some Prestashop modules got updated in the meantime...?


List #2 mentions that 3755 files will be modified and 26 deleted during the upgrade.


As for upgrade options, I chose 'no' to disable non-ps modules, 'yes' to update the default theme, 'no' to use the default theme, and 'yes' to keep custom e-mails.


I just noticed that an update was available for the theme I'm using and it is now compatible with 1.7.2. I will update the theme first and see if more settings get carried over during the upgrade to 1.7.2.


I still need to figure out how to update the theme, i.e. use the back-office and install as new (but I might loose all my theme settings), or overwrite theme files via FTP or ssh.


Thanks a lot - I'm learning a lot with all this!

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The list I provided was from #1,  the core files that have been modified since this version was installed. I assume that this is because some Prestashop modules got updated in the meantime...?


I would concur, the only 2 that would not be from module updates are the following.  But I would expect to see updates to these files, so nothing to be concerned about

  • img/favicon.ico
  • robots.txt

These email templates would not have been updated by a module update, so I assume these were changed.  Best to take a backup copy for safe keeping, and then just allow the upgrade module to update the email templates.  If you did make changes, you can just re-apply your changes.

  • mails/en/in_transit.html
  • mails/en/in_transit.txt
  • mails/en/order_customer_comment.html
  • mails/en/order_customer_comment.txt
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  • 1 month later...

Hi, i'm just going through this thread and i just faced exactly similar behaviour with an upgrade from to (localhost) a few hours ago. Surprisingly upgrade process didn't prompt for any options but just went on its own once triggered, it keep shown progressive status of files backup, db backup, replacing new files, restored database, and said bye. In hurry & since i actually wanted try locally installed code with live DB, imported to local DB. Ran site locally and result i found is all my customizations to both core/external gone off, the only installed external payment module completely disappeared, key point here is i missed testing upgraded code+locally restored DB, before replacing live.  Perhaps now nothing seems got touched at DB level, i could see all my very latest changes in live, but frontend appearance is reflecting a bit away from backend, for instance, i could see all my latest created 7 toplevel categories at current db but shop showing only earlier 4! no errors or nothing anywhere, i removed local cache, doublechecked url table not to get confused among local vs live. In this situation and from all your above discussion, am correct in assuming that it can't be recovered automatically more and should i go each customization verifying db and somehow linking to local 2.4 code? importantly should i forget my actual thought of running 1-click on live? ...don't wan't to waste your time as the impact is less to me but should one really digest such an upgrade process, all this i wrote out of curiosity and to alert a bit those who may go innocently with it. Thanks guys.

Edited by indigofashions
just a typo (see edit history)
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