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Slow Page Load: Response Header


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Dear Guys!


I am struggling with my Prestashop 1.6.11 installation with some modules on it.

It's all about the page loading speed: The server or first header response takes nearly 15 seconds  -_-

After that waiting time, the shop loads extremely quick.


Here is the link to try yourself: https://www.derbauernladen.at


Has anyone an idea ?


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I can confirm  the 15 seconds delay for the index page. But there isn't a simple answer to your question.

You could post your settings from => backoffice => advanced => perfoermance.

And say numbers of modules installed and deactivated => backoffice => modules


And read this topic related to performance:



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Performance Settings: Cache and CCC deactived
We are currently under development, thats why we switched these settings of.

But these settings havent been touched since weeks - the problem occurs since 2 days only


Modules: 80 installed, 29 deactivated (but already deleted also)


By the way: The backend is most of the times ultra fast

Edited by [email protected] (see edit history)
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