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Multistore - associate or duplicate products?


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I am building a 2nd store from the main installation. This store has different categories, but the products (articles) from the main shop should be used also in this store. When I associate an article with the new store, then in the url there is shown the category in which the product is situated in the original store. Of course this is wrong.

This fact tells me, that I have to duplicate all products into the new store and drop them all into the right (new) categories of the new store and associate only with the new store (so that they are not shown at all in the original store because of duplicating).

My question: is this the right way to do it or am I wrong and there are other solutions?


My PS Version is





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thanks for your statement, master. but I don´t get it. I give you an example of my issues.
I have store A with categories and articles. a url to an article would be like that: mydomain.com/category/subcategory/articlename-productID.html


My store B has completely different categories. when I associate an article XY with a category in store B, the url of the article stays the same, because the system shows the url of the native category (main category) of the article.


for instance:

in store A, an article is in category "chairs / wooden chairs". so the url would be mydomain.com/chairs/wooden-chairs/articlename-productID.html.

in store B, the same article should be shown in category "hotel furniture / hotel room / chairs, so here the url should be like mydomain2.com/hotel-furniture/hotel-room/chairs/articlename-productID.html. 

But it isn´t because the main (origin) category of the article is in shop A the category chairs / wooden chairs. so the url in store B is also shown as mydomain2.com/chairs/wooden-chairs/articlename-productID.html, although the article is correctly shown in the hotel furniture/hotel-room/chairs category. 


I hope I have explained it quite well.


thanks and best regards,



Edited by dubman (see edit history)
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Nope, you haven't explained well.


What I wrote was that for each shop Prestashop has a separate "default category" field - that serves as the basis for the url. So when you see the wrong ulr/default category in one your shops the first ste should be to check what the value of that field is for that product with that shop. I see no sign that you have done that.

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