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[Help] How to set 2 different currencies to be applied to 2 different payment modules respectively (different bank agencies)

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Dear everyone, I'v got an urgent issue of vital importance that need you guys' help!

on my prestashop site, there are 2 kind of currencies, one is CNY, the other is USD, and I am going to configue 2 payment modules for each of them, which means:

1. when my customer choose payment method 1, the payment will be caculated in CNY;
2. when my customer choose payment method 2, the payment will be caculated in USD;

How to achieve that?

P.S. I currently install Paypal module, you can only point one currency at BO to work with it

Thx in advance.


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The best you can do is go to the Payment tab, scroll down to the "Currencies restrictions" section, then tick "CNY" only for payment 1 and tick "USD" only for payment 2. By doing this, when "CNY" is the currently selected, only payment 1 will be presented as a payment choice, and when "USD" is selected, only payment 2 will be presented as a payment choice. Is this acceptable, or do you need both payment choices to be available and for the currently selected currency to automatically chance if you choose the wrong one?

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oh, Rocky, I was grateful when I saw your reply coz you were the one I was expecting;

Actually I have sovled this issue by selecting the Customer currency option, so that my customer pay currency by what he sees on the homepage, and I define that payment method 1 only support CNY, while payment method 2 only support USD, so the customer will choose accordingly;

thx again;

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  • 1 year later...

Rocky, we hv some critical issue regarding currency. We wish customer to be able to pay in their own currencies provided Paypal allows that particular currency.


Our version is - Version


Our gateways are Paypal for international customers and DirecPay for Indian customers.


Our default currency is INR [indian Rupees]


In Currencies Restriction, INR is ticked for DirecPay which is Indian gateway and Customer Currency is selected for Paypal.


Now issue is, if product price is 1000 Rs [iNR] then for international customers it should get converted in their own currency. Say for US customer it must charge as 20USD. But what happening is, Paypal is charging as 1000 USD instead of 20. It is simply considering price figure but not currency conversion.


Any guess, where is the mess?





Please edit your first post and change [Help] to [sOLVED].

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