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Check availability status


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Hello there, I'm trying to achive the following:


On the availability options of my products, I have some text that displays when the product is in stock and is available to order, and some text on other products to display when there is out of stock but is available to order, both set in the product back office options.

What I want is to display some text when neither of the two fields have text to display, I'm doing this in the product.tpl and have the following code:

          <p id="availability_statut"{if !$PS_STOCK_MANAGEMENT || ($product->quantity <= 0 && !$product->available_later && $allow_oosp) || ($product->quantity > 0 && !$product->available_now) || !$product->available_for_order || $PS_CATALOG_MODE} style="display: none;"{/if}>
            {*<span id="availability_label">{l s='Availability:'}</span>*}
            <span id="availability_value" class="label{if $product->quantity <= 0 && !$allow_oosp} label-danger{elseif $product->quantity <= 0} label-warning{else} label-success{/if}">
              {if $product->quantity <= 0}
                {if $PS_STOCK_MANAGEMENT && $allow_oosp}
                  {l s='This product is no longer in stock'}
              {elseif $PS_STOCK_MANAGEMENT}
                {if !isset($product->available_now)}
                  {l s='Envio Imediato'}

I've modified a bit of the template code to acommodate my condition but it doens't work! I've tried a few diferent ways but with no luck, all the other "normal" label display correctly but not my text, it seems that it isn't checking if the $product->available_now is empty or not...


If someone have any ideas I would really appreciate it!

Thank You.

Edited by andref (see edit history)
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