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[PS] Exception due to missing CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE privileges


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I'm trying to dig into some problems with an existing PrestaShop setup, I've been approached by the site owners after their original developer did a disappearing act.


They have some problems with recurring 500 errors that turn out, after activating _PS_MODE_DEV_, to be caused by database operations such as CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE ps_cat_restriction ENGINE=MEMORY.


The database user in the hosting environment doesn't have CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE privileges and the privilege can't be granted.


Is creating temporary tables a baseline requirement for running Prestashop? That is, the database has to be moved to a server where that priviliege is available?


The code doing that is in  classes/Product.php and modules/blocklayered/blocklayered.php so it's not a third party extension doing that.


Thanks for any help,




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This is how prestashop works. In Product.php it is the function


which needs the CREATE privilege. However you could easily disclaim this function. It's not important at all. Dirty fix:

    public static function getRandomSpecial($id_lang, $beginning = false, $ending = false, Context $context = null)
    { return false; }

Or you can rewrite the function with - as example - writing to a temporary file. Takes more time than a memory table but would work. Or you can create a non-temporary normal table with the characteristics according to the class. Then replace ....    

Db::getInstance()->execute('CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_reductions` (id_product INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, id_product_attribute INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0) ENGINE=MEMORY', false);


 Db::getInstance()->execute('TRUNCATE TABLE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_reductions ;`);

Same for blocklayered. It won't get faster with a rewrite but there are many options.

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  • 2 months later...


I have tried to rewrite the getRandomSpecial function, but my problem still there.

 I also checked app/config/parameters.php, all the information is correct with my host provider. 

It seems like when I create a new product, the new product can be displayed at my home page, but it is not displayed under its associated catalog page

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