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Tab::getIdFromClassName deprecated but how to replace legally?

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I see in version the Tab::getIdFromClassName function is deprecated. 


The comment shows above the deprecated function: available now in PrestaShopBundle\Entity\Repository\TabRepository::getOneIdByClassName($className)


Can anybody explain how to use TabRepository::getOneIdByClassName in my custom module? I'm an absolute beginner in Symfony... (and also PS module dev)



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While the comment says it is deprecated, there is actually no deprecation here yet and you can continue to use the existing method.


However if you want to learn how to use the new class/function, then you can always search the source code for TabRepository and see how Prestashop may be using it.


TabRepository is located within the src folder, but part of the issue is that it does not contain a function named getOneIdByClassName, but rather it is called findOneIdByClassName


Searching the source code for findOneIdByClassName, would result in 2 classes




The issue right now is that PS v1.7 is a mix of symphony and smarty, and these new bundle classes are probably only being used by the Product page.

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While the comment says it is deprecated, there is actually no deprecation here yet and you can continue to use the existing method.


Ok, I've seen that its still working. But if you mark a function as deprecated it will be useless soon (if it still not) and the developer in my head says to not to use and try the offered alternative solution. 


However if you want to learn how to use the new class/function, then you can always search the source code for TabRepository and see how Prestashop may be using it.


TabRepository is located within the src folder, but part of the issue is that it does not contain a function named getOneIdByClassName, but rather it is called findOneIdByClassName


Searching the source code for findOneIdByClassName, would result in 2 classes




The issue right now is that PS v1.7 is a mix of symphony and smarty, and these new bundle classes are probably only being used by the Product page.


I still found the right function and the two suggested use of them, but in the first case they call some Symfony Container class to get the Tabrepository object and in the second case they got the TR object by the constructor.


So I still don't know how to use the Symfony classes in module dev, but I'm warned old functions will be deprecated.

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Ok, I've seen that its still working. But if you mark a function as deprecated it will be useless soon (if it still not) and the developer in my head says to not to use and try the offered alternative solution.


Prestashop usually adds this code to deprecated functions, which would display a warning message in debug mode.  It does not exist in the function with the comment only...

Tools::displayAsDeprecated('Use Cart->getPackageShippingCost()');
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  • 3 years later...
  • 6 months later...
On 6/13/2021 at 9:14 AM, Jems Khadgi said:

For someone who might stumble into this thing. This answer might help. 

You could replace: Tab::getIdFromClassName() with



This is an illegal static call of an instance method:


Non-static method 'findOneIdByClassName' should not be called statically
 Inspection info: Reports static calls to dynamic class methods.


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  • 1 year later...
On 12/29/2021 at 9:01 AM, leagris said:


This is an illegal static call of an instance method:



I know this is several years old but this was #1 result in google when I searched for what alternative I use for Tab::getIdFromClassName function in Presta 8.
Since it might be fully removed in P8+ versions soon, might be a good time to replace it. but most search results and even in documentations i could not easily find a clear answer.

This illegal static call just need you to make a instance from that class for it to fix, but I don't believe this is the correct thing to do.

        $tabRes = new TabRepository();
        $tab_id = $tabRes->findOneIdByClassName("MyClassName");


after checking some more places including the Github, I found the correct method is to get the current instance of TabRepository instead of making a new one is the corect answer.

So Instead of using Tab::getIdFromClassName in newer versions of Prestashop, we can use this code and avoid the deprecated error as well :



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, how are you? Is your question serious? I don't think so. This is a forum for programmers. A programmer can implement a class and give it any methods they want. You can give the class any method you desire. I don't understand this question. It's senseless.

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