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[Solved!] Image update changes shows up delay


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Hi, I have this problem for months now. Whenever I do some changes on my banner images, or any images it takes a couple of weeks to make the changes show up. Had done clear cache both browser and BO, even requested for Mysql clear cache but nothing works.

Edited by Xandrea (see edit history)
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I don't see a banner image. Spoken in general your images have an expiration of 30 days:


Expires : Sat, 30 Sep 2017 20:26:36 GMT


If you would relate to your instagram images - these are out of your prestashop server. You can't control them on your own.

And if you still have problems - check your hosting panel or cloudflare-nginx.

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I know nothing what to check on hosting panel or cloudfare -nginx

Me too. I just read what the browser analysis said about some pictures.


And why lift? Lift sounds like extending the cache expiration to an even longer value... In my opinion: 30 days is good.

If you are 100% sure about the (empty) cache status of your browser, then there must be a setting in your hosting panel - which means outside PrestaShop.

Ask your hosting company for assistance.

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I actually tried to upgrade my shop to current version 1.7.2 but still no luck that's why you see the mess up template. I'm going to roll it back now for you to see. My main problem is whenever I do changes on my banners on homepage and categories, It takes a couple of weeks or even a month to show up. I even clear cache my BO and browser, even requested MySQL cache but nothing works. 2nd problem is whenever we attempt to upgrade my shop to the latest version 1.7.2 template got messed up, we tried to contact the developer but he barely response and didn't cooperate which really hassle for us.

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1) Your server isn't available anymore. I get a redirection error.

2) Yesterday I haven't seen any banner, at least not on your startpage. You didn't explain where I could find them.

3) If banners or prestashop images aren't updating quickly, it is usually a caching problem and your hosting company should be able to assist if needed.

4) Cloudflare is such a caching tool and for me it looked like you are providing image data from cloudflare. These things rather hosting or hosting configuration problems but not prestashop issues.


Good luck in sorting everything out.

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