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Email problem


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hi, I am using PrestaShop default theme. A customer forgot her password. She filled out her email to receive a password but she has not received any emails. I tried it myself and I also have not received an email. My email setting is left as the default recommended. 

Help please?


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Have you checked your email template folder? You must have the following two files in the corresponding language path.


The mail template folder is usually the theme path / mails / XX  where XX represents your language code. Furthermore you could check the prestashop logfile as well as the webservers error logfile. I'ts possible that some errors might be logged there.

Edited by Scully (see edit history)
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I have set email to the same as my domain which is [email protected]  set the smtp as mail.podsandsods.com.au  SSL and 465  but get the following error


Error: Please check your configuration
Connection could not be established with host smtp.mail.podsandsods.com.au [php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known #0]

Edited by Ava123 (see edit history)
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