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Img folder too large


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I have problems with prestashop image folder. It seems that it taking too much space. 2.5GB.

After i regenerate thumbnails it lowers to 750 MB but no pictures are showing up for many products, and after few minutes the folder is back to 2.5Gb size.


Is there anything I can do? I did import products with CSV. 

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The image generation process takes time. But in general it does NOT lower the space used for images. What it does:

It takes the original uploaded file and from there it creates the downscaled smaller images.

The original file keeps it size an is not touched.


I'd guess you have linked your CSV import file to images which are quite large in size. If you have appx. 1'000 images with each 1 MB of size, you get 1 GB. Plus all the smaller sized images could end up in the 2.5 GB. If this is too much, you have to delete the original images and upload smaller sized instead.


And in terms of image quality:

It is useless to upload 1 or 2 MB images in general. They are stored on the server but the image shown on the front end is a smaller size image according to your image settings in the preferences. In PrestaShop default theme, the largest images are 800 x 800 px which typically results in sizes of 80 to 150 KB per image.

Edited by Scully (see edit history)
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I have around 5000 products and image sizes are between 50kb and 200kb


Is it possible that there are pictures generated from themes I tested on my site?

I'm running low on space and don't now what to do

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No, pictures are only stored at one place for all themes. Different story if you have copied / cloned your entire shop. If you run out of space adjust your hosting plan accordingly or if you run on an own server buy a larger SSD disk.


In my opinion you can't reduce much with your figures. You could try to clean up unused images. If you delete products, the images are not cleaned up. But if you have only a small number of deleted products, it wouln't help much.

Edited by Scully (see edit history)
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A few remarks:

 - Prestashop somewhat reduces the size (and quality) of the images you upload. But not that much (one image I checked went from 388kb to 293kb). (yes, this concerns the originals, like 123.jpg and it happens even when the images already have the correct proportions - like square)

 - 5000 images à 150kb is 750MB. And that is not including the directories, the index.php files and the extra space needed in terms of disk blocks. 

 - when you (re)generate images you create some six to ten versions of it. So what do you expects.


So please do your math. If you upload that much images, this is what you should expect.

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