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Custom add to cart with tax

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Hi there,


I have a giftcard module and when a giftcard is customized and added to cart the tax is not included in the total price..


This is the code to add product to cart:

$card = new GiftCardProduct ( (int)Tools::getValue ( 'id_product' ) );

/* add new card if not exist */
if (! $this->context->cart->id)
	if (Context::getContext ()->cookie->id_guest)
	       $guest = new Guest ( Context::getContext ()->cookie->id_guest );
	       $this->context->cart->mobile_theme = $guest->mobile_theme;
	$this->context->cart->add ();
	if ($this->context->cart->id)
		$this->context->cookie->id_cart = (int)$this->context->cart->id;
$this->context->cart->addTextFieldToProduct ( $card->id, $id_cfield_from, Product::CUSTOMIZE_TEXTFIELD, $from );
$this->context->cart->addTextFieldToProduct ( $card->id, $id_cfield_lastname, Product::CUSTOMIZE_TEXTFIELD, $lastname );
$this->context->cart->addTextFieldToProduct ( $card->id, $id_cfield_message, Product::CUSTOMIZE_TEXTFIELD, $message );
$this->context->cart->addTextFieldToProduct ( $card->id, $id_cfield_template, Product::CUSTOMIZE_TEXTFIELD, $template_id );
$this->context->cart->addTextFieldToProduct ( $card->id, $id_cfield_mailto, Product::CUSTOMIZE_TEXTFIELD, $mailto );
$this->context->cart->addTextFieldToProduct ( $card->id, $id_cfield_deliverydate, Product::CUSTOMIZE_TEXTFIELD, $delivery_date );
$update_quantity = $this->context->cart->updateQty ( 1, $card->id );

There is no documentation about adding tax programatically so please help!
How can I add tax to it ?
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thanks for the reply Scully,


Could you please suggest some examples of handling the taxes code ? I am affraid the misconfiguration is not the issue here , as I've debuged custom products and all the related values to tax are the same...


I am asking for examples as the core code is very unfamilliar...

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Maybe first set the tax method


protected $_taxCalculationMethod = PS_TAX_EXC;

and then call






from Cart class. Not tested. But the main goal for your approach is: you shouln't need to calculate prices or taxes on your own but call the related methods.

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