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Guest Checkout


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I have the Guest Checkout enabled in Preferences > Orders > Enable Guest Checkout: Yes


But if you make an order on: http://grankartingclublanzarote.com/en/tracks/18-individual.html and click Add to cart then you come to the next page where it asks you to sign in or register - and there is no Guest Checkout button available. 


Any idea how to make the guest checkout work?

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Thanks that is enabled as well: Order process type: One page checkout. 


Still the button is not showing - but if you are on the checkout page and check the source code: guestCheckoutEnabled=1 


But the button is nowhere...what do you mean by: avoid other steps?

Edited by mediafish (see edit history)
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Yes people can place orders and pay but must register or sign in and we do not want them to make that step - therefore we need the Guest Checkout.


Now did you use the guest checkout? And if yes where did you see the Guest Checkout Button? I cannot see it. 


I used google Chrome and Firefox - what Browser are you using?


If I place an order it gives me 2 options: 

1. Already registred - Click here

2. New User - Create an Account


But a Guest Checkout does not require users to register or to login.

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Thanks yes of course they have to add some data but:


1.) Why can't user simply click a Guest Checkout Button - isn't there a button saying Guest Checkout anywhere - that is how I know guest checkouts? 

2.) And isn't it possible for users to register as guest without confirming their account by email first and simply make the payment once they added their data - as this e-mail confirmation takes too many steps and users have to go and confirm the registration and then come back again?

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  • 1 year later...

Hi guys, 

I want to know how to make à function when customers leave email adress empty than email value take a default address set manually in the code like [email protected] and he can procced for guest checkout. 

What iam trying to do, that most of my customer dosnt use them adress mail and they préfère to get order and sign up as guest using them name and phone number. 

I was looking for some solution and nothing yet... 

I will be glad for your helps. 


NB : store based on prestashop 1.7.x

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Thank your for answer.


I have found the code bellow.


Any idea how to integrate it in Prestashop 1.7 ?



$number = 10002;
$username_length = 24;
function generate_emails($number, $username_length) {
if (is_numeric($number) && $number != 0) {
if ($number > 1000) { //put hard limit on generate request
$number = 1000;
$generated_email_addresses = array();
$characters = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';
$char_count = count($characters);
$tld = array("com", "net", "biz");
for ($i=0; $i<$number; $i++){
$randomName = '';
for($j=0; $j<$username_length; $j++){
$randomName .= $characters[rand(0, strlen($characters) -1)];
$k = array_rand($tld);
$extension = $tld[$k];
$fullAddress = $randomName . "@" ."example".$extension;
$generated_emails[] = $fullAddress;
echo "<br />$fullAddress<br />";
$lines = count($generated_emails);
echo "There are $lines lines of e-mail data";
$fp = fopen("emails.csv", "w");
fputcsv($fp, $generated_emails);
header('Content-Type: application/csv');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="emails.csv"');
generate_emails($number, $username_length);
/*$randomName = '';
$randomName .= $characters[rand(0, strlen($characters) -1)];
echo "<br />"; */


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