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SEARCH in frontoffice not working very well (for me)


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I am having problems withn the search option in the front office, perhaps I have some thing not correctly set up.


Example of item in my shop:




The item is called "soviet infantry" and reference is "wgb-ri-02"


It doesnt matter if I search "soviet infantry" or the reference, it is not found.


In fact, if I search the reference, the first item shown is one with reference "WGB-IT-101 WGB-IA-101", and the correct item is not even listed.


Any hint/idea?


BTW, the search in the backoffice works like a charm.



Edited by ampos (see edit history)
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If I search by the name, I get a result of 959 items. I haven't look through them, it's just too much.


What search by reference number concerns: You should note that the slash "-" is a problematic sign to search for.

If you use slash, prestashop first splits the search word into separate words with the slash as word delimiter.

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