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hide category depending on the group acces


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Hi every one,


I have a problem on prestashop 1.7 that I hadn't on Prestachop 1.6. I created a category and selected only Professional group. On 1.6, if you were not log into an access group, the category where hide and users couldn't see what they didn't have acces.


I did the same on Prestashop 1.7 and the category were not hide but if I click on category that I don't have the acces, I just have a message to inform  that I don't have permission to access.


How can I hide the category Professional for everyone and show it only for the personn log and marked as Professional (like 1.6)?


Thank you very much for helping me.





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As to my understanding and reading from other posts, the category - group restriction generally works in PS 1.7. But it does NOT WORK on the main menu unfortunately. In this module the category is shown even for restricted groups.

But if you click on the main menu, you can't view the category.

Edited by Scully (see edit history)
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