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GoPure Kratom

GoPure Kratom

Comes late, but I noticed that the Dashboard has bug where it does not calculate the different currencies correctly.


I you sell with EUR and USD for example with EUr being your default currency, and you sell with USD100 and EUR100, it will show your sales being EUR200.

It should convert the USD into EUR before summing it all up.

I did this SQL to show the actual sales after tax in defualt currency (TOTAL_EUR):


         ROUND(SUM(o.total_paid_tax_incl / o.conversion_rate),2) AS 'TOTAL_EUR',
         ROUND(SUM(o.total_paid_tax_incl / o.conversion_rate)/DAYOFMONTH(NOW())*DAY(LAST_DAY(NOW())),2) AS 'FORECAST'   
FROM pscw_orders o
WHERE o.invoice_date >= '2021-10-01' AND o.invoice_date < '2021-10-31' AND o.current_state != 7


GoPure Kratom

GoPure Kratom

Comes late, but I noticed that the Dashboard has bug where it does not calculate the different currencies correctly.


I you sell with EUR and USD for example with EUr being your default currency, and you sell with USD100 and EUR100, it will show your sales being EUR200.

It should convert the USD into EUR before summing it all up.

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