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Hosting Images Off-Site

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The goal is to save on bandwidth...but PrestaShop only allows me to upload images to the site proper, instead of letting me choose to use a URL as the image location.

Been looking through the code, but I can't seem to locate the "Browse" button...nor can I figure out where the URL for the image uploaded is stored in the MySQL DB.

Any ideas on how to modify the code? Don't matter how complicated it is...

I'd really like to use PrestaShop...but if I can't host the images off site and link them to the products in the store, I'll have to move to a different e-commerce option.

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All images (for products, categories, etc) are uploaded, resized and processed by Prestashop. They are stored locally by default in the /img folder.
In the database there is the table "image" that points to all images. This is probably done for performance and SEO reasons, although i cannot be sure.
Adapting the core to make your request possible might involve a lot of work.
You could try to create a feature request here (http://www.prestashop.com/bug_tracker/report/feature/) and wait for the answer of the PS team.

If you cant wait, and really need this feature then PS might not be an option. But then again, there are not many other options for shop software out there that are as simple and good as Prestashop. You might consider Magento, but it is really complicated.

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For configure the image URL it's in the file /config/config.inc.php

I tried it quickly, it worked to upload and display images from another website(same host), but in back office the images didn't diplay, i think it's just a modification of the AdminProduct.php

Product image :
define('_THEME_PROD_DIR_', __PS_BASE_URI__.'img/p/')

Category image :

define('_THEME_CAT_DIR_', __PS_BASE_URI__.'img/c/');

Image directory

define('_PS_IMG_DIR_', _PS_ROOT_DIR_.'/img/');

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  • 6 months later...

I want to be able to do this too :( My supplier has a nice and fast library of images, so it will be very easy for me to just point to the image instead of uploading. And every product has a refnum which corresponds to the filename of the image.
Its not a storage problem for me, but managing 2000+ products is a time eater :D and i dont need them hosted off-site so bad.
So if someone could tell me how to modify the code, so i could give it a link.

In product import functionality of the backend its possible but my webhost cannot handle the load (no more than 10 products at a time), and i need it to be available in product edit page.

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  • 6 years later...

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