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How to add a simple text page?


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Hello everyone,


Newbie here. I want you to know that I have searched a lot here and on google and haven't found anything helpful.
So my problem is, I have a shop, main/home page is featured products,new etc. There is a menu on top which I want to follow every page I have. I want to add a page with simple text and images (like information about the products) but to keep the menu on top. But whenever I try to connect the info page I created on CMS, I can't. So how am I supposed to this?

Things I have tried:
Created a category on CMS, added pages, and when I went into the module of the Main Menu, to connect the cms with the button, CMS is empty.
Added the page as a product (stupid idea I know, but i'm desperate).

Following images :





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You activated iframes ? Back-Office Tab "Preferences -> general -> Allow iframes on HTML fields = Yes -> save

If you are not using native theme, perhaps the error of blank page is coming from your theme (stripping code, if you are adding also code by copy and paste). In this case contact the developer.


From what I've seen you are using Blog module ? Why you don't add a cms page there ?

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Ndiaga thank you your suggestion worked somehow :)
Thank you both for your help and your time!


Last question, how to remove the direction of presta from the URL? Right now its domain.com/presta/ and I want it to be domain.com
I changed from the SEo & URL options, but I wasnt alsee the page, 403 error.

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