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Linking a PDF to an Image


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Hi, I'm currently learning how to setup Prestashop and use it as an assignment for the company I'm interning at.

One of the things they've asked me to do is something like what this website uses:




When you scrolldown you can see an accordion of images and when you click on one it downloads a pre-made PDF with a full catalog of products based on the category you select.


What I want to know is how can I do that in Prestashop, or if it's even possible?

I've seen modules that create a PDF based on a product, but these PDFs are pre-made.


I just want to link, like a hyperlink I guess? A PDF to an image.


Any help or advice is appreciated! =)

Edited by kriemhilde (see edit history)
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You haven't mentionned your prestashop version.

However, a simple approcach would be to use a free basic module like 'home text editor'.

There you can insert free text with images and links. The module has nothing to do with PDF but allows to set a link to basically any pre-existing file.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm currently with kriemhilde on this project and we still didn't get what we're looking for. 


I've been searching for a template which has this feature, but we're still stuck on this subject. Does anyone knows any template that has something like this?




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Why searching for a template only for this small change?

Change the tpl file of your existing one. It seems to be a small change only.

Just as an example - even if the shop isn't productive anymore look here:




On the left column under the 4rd title named 'ALLE AKTIONEN you see a PDF icon and if you click it, you get a full product catalog.

The code for this looks like that:

<div id="pdf_block_left" class="block">
    <p class="title_block">Alle Aktionen 10.08.2017</p>
    <div class="block_content_narrow">
        <p><br /><a title="WIR-Aktionen als PDF-Download" href="/katalog/WIR-Aktionen.pdf" rel="nofollow"> <img class="f_left" src="/wirshop/img/wir-aktion-pdf.png" alt="WIR-Aktionen 100% WIR - täglich aktuell" width="40" height="40" /></a> <a title="WIR-Aktionen - täglich aktuell (PDF)" href="/katalog/WIR-Aktionen.pdf" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">WIR-Aktionen - PDF-Katalog</a></p>
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I understand that. But the change would probably not require any php programming at all if the PDF file is pre-existing and has a static path. It is simple HTML code you put into a theme file (tpl) whereever it fits your needs. However if HTML is also a show stopper, it might get more difficult.

Edited by Scully (see edit history)
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Ok, understood. Just one more question.


I'm presenting those catalogs as products in a specific category. How do I change that .tpl file without changing other products?


Maybe I shouldn't present them as products, Idk.

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It wouldn't open undemanded files. The category would be named Catalogs being its description something like "Download here our product catalogs" and when the list of products shows up, the visitor already knows that clicking on one of them it would download the pdf.

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