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PS 1.7: Link::getModuleLink returns different URL for default store


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I'm working with PrestaShop (default installation). Shop is set to debug mode with cache disabled.

I have a backend module that has both backend and frontend controllers. Shop settings:




I want to generate link to my frontend controller and send it to external system so it can call it. I need to generate this link sometimes from my module's backend controller and sometimes from my module's frontend.


My solution:

From both controllers I use this code to generate link URL:

$url = Context::getContext()->link->getModuleLink('cleverreach', 'auth'); 



Link is not generated the same from backend and from frontend in different scenarios.



I had one shop with multistore option disabled. With this setup, links were generated properly.


Then, I enabled multistore option and added additional shop group called "Second", added one store to it and made it default: 



Store settings are here:



Settings for store "demoshop 1.7":



Settings for store "second":



With this setup, from backend controller I got this link:


This URL works properly and links to my controller. But when I use the same code from this frontend controller ("auth"), I get this link:


Note that "/en" prefix is added twice. This link also works but it creates a problem for external system that uses it because those 2 links do not match.


Now, I could fix this problem with this code:

$url = Context::getContext()->link->getModuleLink(

So, I added default shop ID and this generated this link in both cases:


Now I wanted to test this code if multistore is not enabled so I went to configuration and disabled multistore. I logged out, cleared cache (just in case) and tested again, but the links are now again different. From backend controller it is:


and from frontend controller it is again with double "/en" prefix:


I checked context object and shop and with this setup, backend is returning "second" for context->shop, and frontend is returning "demoshop 1.7", which probably causes the error. The main problem is that with this setup (enabled multistore, set second store as default and then disabled multistore) I cannot manage to get the same link anyhow.


Is this a bug or I'm missing something?




EDIT: I have 3 languages in my shop, this is why /en is added, but the problem is still the same: URLs are not the same.

Edited by kostandin (see edit history)
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