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Fatal error smarty

Kevin Rouget

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After deleting a module from my prestashop (Smart blog) appears all my web blank. (: In the logs I get this error PHP Fatal error: Class' smartblog 'not found in /home/admin/web/miweb.com/public_html/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatebase.php(157): eval ()' d code on line 29. How can I solve that? E tried to rename the remaining residual folders of smartblog, it is also tested renaming the smarty compile folder and nothing. Someone can give me a solution because I want to delete that module and I do not allow it because when I deactivate it appears the error that I comment.

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How did you delete the module? Just delete its folder or did you perform the uninstall procedure?


Your error messages let me think, the module is still registered in the database but files don't exist anymore...

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I touched restore my vps completely. But the error still appears when I uninstall the module with the normal procedure. When I uninstall it the web appears blank and when the active returns. This time I do not try to delete it because then I can not repair it and I have to restore the backup.

I touched restore my vps completely. But the error still appears when I uninstall the module with the normal procedure. When I uninstall it the web appears blank and when the active returns. This time I do not try to delete it because then I can not repair it and I have to restore the backup.

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Seems that the module is not compatible with the Prestashop version you are using, or incompatible with your server configuration (php, cache, etc.).


For to refresh cache try to delete smarty cache on back-office. If this does not solve your problem than delete the cache manually. Which Prestashop version are you using ? Which php-version ? An external cache in use, like APC, memcache, Vault, etc ?

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I'm using prestashop Our optimized VPS use Nginx as cache and reverse proxy to improve the loading speed. Our optimized VPS carry Memcached to be used as cache support in RAM. Zend OPCache for PHP Our optimized VPS use Zend OPCache to cache PHP code processed in RAM. E tried to delete the cache renaming the smarty folder, and also deleted the cache from Advanced Settings / Performance and it is still the same when I disable the module breaks the web

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php version is ? Sincerely memcache I will use only as load balancer on a high traffic use site. Otherwise it is not sinful. opcache + php-fpm + ngnix proxied is enough to speed up a site till 20.000 products and really high traffic (this means 1.000 requests per second).


You are using a non native theme ? It could be also that your theme is not compatible with the theme in use.

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The data in my database are Server: Localhost via UNIX socket Server Type: MySQL Server Version: 5.5.54 - Remi's MySQL Community Server (GPL) Protocol Version: 10 Apache / 2.2.15 (CentOS) Database client version: libmysql - mysqlnd PHP Extension: mysqliDocumentation curlDocumentation mbstringDocumentation PHP version: 5.6.30 And the theme he uses in Himalia

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