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PS_sharebuttons facebook don't share image [ps 1.7]

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Hello, i using prestashop 1.7 and i've problem with ps_sharebuttons native module.

I'd like to share the product with title and image but if i click on facebook icon share the program share only link of my product without image title and description!


i open the sp_shareburrons.php and i modify the parameter in:


if (Configuration::get('PS_SC_FACEBOOK')) {
            $social_share_links['facebook'] = array(
                'label' => $this->trans('Share', array(), 'Modules.Sharebuttons.Shop'),
                'class' => 'facebook',
                'url' => 'http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?s=100&p[url]='.$sharing_url.'&p[images][0]='.$sharing_img,

but doesn't work, the image do not share!


Can someone help me?



thank you very much


Edited by lu1782 (see edit history)
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Revert the modification you did to the sp_shareburrons.php.

I guess the problem is probably caused by your product images for facebook are smaller than 200px x 200px

Images you uploaded for your product might be big, but the way of how prestashop choose images for facebook is need to be improved, it might choose small thumbnail images for facebook, so those small thumbnails would not show out on facebook. If you could send me your site url, so can give you more info.




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13 horas atrás, tantan199 disse:



Revert the modification you did to the sp_shareburrons.php.

I guess the problem is probably caused by your product images for facebook are smaller than 200px x 200px

Images you uploaded for your product might be big, but the way of how prestashop choose images for facebook is need to be improved, it might choose small thumbnail images for facebook, so those small thumbnails would not show out on facebook. If you could send me your site url, so can give you more info.





Hello, Jonny.
I am having the same problem on facebook posts on ps 1.7. See the error in www.idvinhos.com.br.
Upon entering the product detail, clicking on the product sharing button on the social network of the visitor opens the facebook screen but does not appear the product with the descriptions and the image.
If anyone can help, I add my knowledge.



Olá Jonny.
Estou com o mesmo problema em postagens do facebook no ps 1.7. Veja o erro em www.idvinhos.com.br.
Ao entrar no detalhe do produto, ao clicar no botão de compartilhamento do produto na rede social do visitante abre a tela do facebook mas nao aparece o produto com as descrições e nem a imagem.
Se alguem puder ajudar, anecipo meus gradecimentos.


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Open Graph properties of your products for facebook are all correct, but facebook can't get any of them.

You may encounter a common problem of the facebook share feature, Try replacing this code {block name=’head’ append} in the \themes\classic\templates\catalog\product.tpl file with {block name=’head_viewport’ append} to see if it can be fixed. I created an article months ago about the problem, check it out here https://www.sunnytoo.com/7002/problems-may-encounter-share-site-facebook



Open Graph properties of your products for facebook are all correct, facebook can get them correctly.

The first problem I found on your site was that most pages got cached by Facebook.  After clearing cache using the facebook's Sharing Debugger tool, images and descriptions showed out, but they were wrong, they were for the homepage of your site.  

Check these links:



Facebook can get all information correctly, but the facebook share button on your site still not working correctly. You are not using the Classic theme, so contact developers of your theme to ask them to check.

BTW I guess  you enable the Friendly URL feature.




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