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Visual problem displaying products (homepage too)

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Hi there,


I'm using Prestashop default theme, I'm asking for help because in the homepage (and even gategory page, or wherever products are displayed with the product box like in the homepage) the first two product row are correctly displayed, but after the second row and going on (you can clearly see it betwen the second row and the third one of products), there is more space and I cannot figure out why, in the code I've found nothing unusual. This problem happen with every row of products after the second one what could it be?


Here's my shop URL:



Thanks in advance




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Hi there, thanks again a lot for your precious help ;)


really sorry for my bad explanation, on the home page the space between the first two row of products is less than the second and the third one (and after the third one, there is lot of empty space before the "All products" link):



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