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How to create multiple type swap ?


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i have two sections configuration module, i want to use two form swap in same page configuration module, i have problem the second from doesn't work when click of submit jump to first form swap

                'form' => array(
                    'legend' => array(
                        'title' => $this->l('Configuration'),
                        'icon' => 'icon-cogs',
                    'input' => array(
                            'type' => 'swap',
                            'label' => $this->l('New multiple select'),
                            'desc' => $this->l('Show the multiple select'),
                            'name' => 'MULTIPLE_SELECT[]',
                            'required' => false,
                            'multiple' => true,
                            'default_value' => $this->l('Multiple select'),
                            'options' => array(
                                'query' =>  OrderState::getOrderStates((int)$this->context->language->id),
                                'id' => 'id_order_state',
                                'name' => 'name'




                'form' => array(
                    'legend' => array(
                        'title' => $this->l('Configuration 2'),
                        'icon' => 'icon-cogs',
                    'input' => array(
                            'type' => 'swap',
                            'label' => $this->l('New multiple select'),
                            'desc' => $this->l('Show the multiple select 2'),
                            'name' => 'MULTIPLE_SELECT2[]',
                            'required' => false,
                            'multiple' => true,
                            'default_value' => $this->l('Multiple select 2'),
                            'options' => array(
                                'query' =>  OrderState::getOrderStates((int)$this->context->language->id),
                                'id' => 'id_order_state',
                                'name' => 'name'



Edited by Maamria (see edit history)
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