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I follow the instruction step by step ( I gess ), but just I am getting the following erros using Paypal API...
Can you help me ?

Please refer to logs:

Making new connection to 'api-3t.sandbox.paypal.com/nvp'
Connect with CURL method sucessfull
Sending this params:
Send with CURL method sucessfull
PayPal response:
TIMESTAMP -> 2010-07-09T02:02:57Z
CORRELATIONID -> ce9ccf273705e
ACK -> Failure
VERSION -> 53.0
BUILD -> 1366358
L_ERRORCODE0 -> 10002
L_SHORTMESSAGE0 -> Security error
L_LONGMESSAGE0 -> Security header is not valid
PayPal returned error

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I got this message from Paypal:

"The most common mistake is when pasting your credentials in a space is added at the end. If that space is not removed before saving the PayPal system see's the space as a character making the credentials invalid. Also the version you should use in your code is 63.0"

Ok, I've checked the spaces, none.

The only thing is the code versión... I am using prestashop 1.3.1 and use some paypal code in version 53.0...

What can I do?

Do I have to get another code version?


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Ok, but I have another problems now...
I've set up only one Country in Presta: Dominican Republic (ISO COUNTRY CODE = DO)
I am receiving the following error from Paypal API:

TIMESTAMP -> 2010-07-09T15:49:18Z
CORRELATIONID -> 73835400d51c8
ACK -> Failure
VERSION -> 53.0
BUILD -> 1366358
L_ERRORCODE0 -> 10474
L_SHORTMESSAGE0 -> Invalid Data
L_LONGMESSAGE0 -> This transaction cannot be processed. The shipping country is not allowed by the buyer's country of residence.

Any leads?

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  • 4 months later...
Ok, but I have another problems now...
I've set up only one Country in Presta: Dominican Republic (ISO COUNTRY CODE = DO)
I am receiving the following error from Paypal API:

TIMESTAMP -> 2010-07-09T15:49:18Z
CORRELATIONID -> 73835400d51c8
ACK -> Failure
VERSION -> 53.0
BUILD -> 1366358
L_ERRORCODE0 -> 10474
L_SHORTMESSAGE0 -> Invalid Data
L_LONGMESSAGE0 -> This transaction cannot be processed. The shipping country is not allowed by the buyer's country of residence.

Any leads?

I have the same error,anybody have ideas?thx
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  • 3 weeks later...

Step 1. I go back to the BO>Carrier> check all the countries in the "zone"
and then try again
---> result the same, not working
Step 2. Back Office >> Shipping >> Zones

Name: US
Status: Check allow
Allow or disallow shipping to this zone
and then try again
---> result the same, not working

PayPal returned error
Please refer to logs:
Making new connection to 'api-3t.sandbox.paypal.com/nvp'
Connect with CURL method sucessfull
Sending this params:
Send with CURL method sucessfull
PayPal response:
TIMESTAMP -> 2010-11-28T12:18:31Z
CORRELATIONID -> f92ed5154f6cb
ACK -> Failure
VERSION -> 53.0
BUILD -> 1613703
L_ERRORCODE0 -> 10474
L_SHORTMESSAGE0 -> Invalid Data
L_LONGMESSAGE0 -> This transaction cannot be processed. The shipping country is not allowed by the buyer's country of residence.
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I think I got an idea what is the problem.
There is a difference between the delivery address from the checkout sequence in the prestashop and the sandbox address for delivery.
I am trying to find out what is the default address for buyer's in sandbox paypal
Is there anyway to change it? I cannot find it.

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It works - The problem is [sOLVED]
Must have billing and delivery address during the check out and paypal sandbox user's address should be the same.
How can you see the default address for paypal sandbox buyer?

Test User
1 Main St
San Jose, CA 95131
United States

I created a user, With the same name, and same address. So, it shows no error but, because shop default country isn't U.S.A. so,
it shows I heard it is because too different currency -
Your order on **** is pending.

Your order will be sent as soon as we receive your settlement.

So, the last time, I am trying to change the default country as U.S.A.
Just to see the word, "complete"
Your order on **** is pending.

Your order will be sent as soon as we receive your settlement.

So, one more time, I am trying to change the currency to USD.

Your order on ************ is complete
Your order will be sent as soon as possible.

Finally ~~~~ ^^ I hope what I wrote step by step will help others save time.
I got a lot of help so perhaps, this pays back something that I owed.

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But, I do hope that instead of showing the error message, Paypal could generated some nice way of
showing with html coded words. short error, long error, all these are so paypal friendly not the user friend.
If the user sees this, they will be panic - those error message is showing inside the shop as if shop has the problem,
when the problem is showing by paypal? I think it is paypal who must have intermediate page to express their error
message to their sites, not inside the shop with the words that is friendly to only PAYPAL creator - SAD!

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